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I’ve been feeling “funny” lately…

I’ve been feeling funny lately… how about you?

Interestingly, many sensitive individuals I know, and even some who don’t consider themselves sensitive, have shared with me that they’ve been feeling a bit off lately. It’s like there’s something in the air, but they can’t quite identify it. This isn’t the first time I’ve felt this way; I also experienced it after the big solar eclipse in April.

Often, the things that affect me aren’t as obvious as arguments with my partner or the neighbor cutting down trees. Consider that the changes in our world, the wars, conspiracy theories, and the pervasive fear create an environment of unrest. Even if you didn’t watch the debate in the United States, and even if politics isn’t your concern, I assure you, it’s impacting the collective human environment.

It seems scary to go through change…

It seems scary to go through change…

It seems scary to go through change. For me, just as much as anyone else.The question is, which part is scared? It’s the part that has to die for the expanded version to become the new you, able to sustain the dream you’re dreaming.

Our true infinite soul never dies, so YOU are not afraid to die, but rather the part of you that feels comfy, familiar and predictable.

Somehow, for me personally, distinguishing between the true ME and the identities (aspects of my personality) that are trying to protect me gives me a little solace and lessens my need for courage.

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Permanent shifts in your cells and what it takes…

Permanent shifts in your cells and what it takes…

The topic of shifting your default way of being, is near and dear to me because I realized I take it for granted that people fully understand it but have realized they don’t. I really appreciated a recent conversation with a member of our community. It brought home to me that most people don’t relate to permanent shifts because either they don’t believe they’re possible, or feel what they have is their lot in life.

Actually, this is where my parents were. I probably could do it a lot better, but I can’t have that, that quantum leaping thing. Do you know what I mean Aditya ?

When I look at people who effortlessly receive abundance, they seem to have the DNA of being able to dance with money in a way you’ve never experienced. How do you make that permanent shift?

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You and your guidance as one…

You and your guidance as one…

“That title, “You and your guidance as one,” is a bit of a misconception. It presumes that you and your guidance are somehow separate from each other in the first place. The truth is, your guidance is present in this and every moment, even if you’re not aware of it. Back in Chapter 1, I wrote that in a fractal Universe, the Wisdom of all that exists is actually hidden in plain sight in the patterns in nature and all around you. In every atom is the information of the original atoms from which they were birthed. Let’s take time to visit the space between the atoms where possibility lives by meditating or going for a walk in nature. There is “a field where we can meet,” where all knowledge rests that allows us to create that which has never been before. And we are made of those patterns, those atoms, and those spaces between the atoms. That wisdom is a part of us at every level.

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I don’t talk about this much…

I don’t talk about this much…

You know, we talk a lot about the physics of receiving and the physics of being in flow. We talk about falling in love with the mystery.

For a long time, I just wanted to push forward. Maybe it’s a dream you’re desperate to achieve, and you feel you just wanna push and make it happen? Then you learn about the Laws of Physics, or the Law of Attraction, or about meditation, whatever. You start using that and then you are thinking “I’m doing all the stuff, so how come it’s not happening?” You know?

I was really feeling a sense of urgency inside, calling me, telling me there IS something more. I was learning the Laws of Physics and beginning to put them into practice. It still felt like things were moving slowly. I knew things could move faster and I didn’t understand why they weren’t. Oh boy, I’d get so frustrated! Can you relate to any of this?

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How is it that we can flourish through 2024?

How is it that we can flourish through 2024?

Flourishing through 2024 starts with understanding the laws of physics as they pertain to the intentions of people. Why is this significant and why will some people flourish while others don’t?

What was the theme of 2023 for you personally, and globally, in relationships, purpose and love? As you write down those themes, notice any problems or challenges which may be carried into 2024. Also, look at the themes playing out in the wider world, as they give context to what is yet to be completed.

It’s crucial to look at this, although most people don’t. By investing a little time, you’ll begin to see what’s going to influence the new year as it’s the contrast from the past which becomes the catalyst for what’s to come, helping you determine potential outcomes.

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Stress – it’s actually pretty simple

Stress – it’s actually pretty simple

I have a lot to do, and I wish it was all done … but do I? Don’t I love creating? Did I forget that?

As I took a look at my Tedx talk, my slide deck for Tedx, prepping for the amazing workshop we’re running around completing 2023 and embodying our vision for 2024, seeing my parents, having Christmas with my stepdaughters and with three people in TWA sick right now … ahhhhhhh!

But is it all innately stressful? Or was I just judging the distance between what I could see was possible and what currently exists and that it might not get done? The implications of it not getting done? In reality, we could make our circumstances very dramatic, or step into flow.

Here are the choices if you want to step into flow:

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Happy, Merry Everything to you!

Happy, Merry Everything to you!

This time of year can be so beautiful, yet it can also be challenging. It’s the time for slowing down, creating space and listening for what is coming up. Reach out if you need assistance of any kind, asking for help and unconditional love from others, and from Source.

Give yourself the gift of time and reflection.

When we don’t take the time to slow down to speed up, have important conversations and move through what is necessary in order to feel complete, we’re left with spiritual dissonance sitting in our bodies, ignored and stored as a rift in the system.

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Manifestation is a funny thing

Manifestation is a funny thing

I was hanging out with some friends the other week (Dr. Merina and Rayne), and we talked about how ‘manifestation’ actually happens. We chatted about it, and have been surprised at how many people don’t really understand how it works.

I am happy for the Secret movie way back when, as it opened doors to a deeper conversation.

Living a life in flourishing flow is a much more elegant process than most people understand to be true which is why I feel so passionate about the subject.

In my exploration of Physics, Biology and fractals, it became pretty apparent 15 years ago that manifestation has nothing to do with mental intention. In fact, intention by the mind, is a manifestation in and of itself. We catch up to the thoughts we receive.

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There is not a person alive that doesn’t have access to this …

There is not a person alive that doesn’t have access to this …

It’s Genius. Last week, I spent time with several clients who are experienced in their areas of knowledge. There was a theme in my conversations, that theme is stuckness. Going around in circles. Struggling.

They were not in their genius. I’ve felt that way at times too, and there is a science to staying in that genius. There is also a science to struggling.

Genius simply comes from our ability to access the field of infinite wisdom that exists in the metaphysical space between the atoms.

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These words moved me…

These words moved me…

Language tells us so much about the culture.

Quite a bit happened while I was in Costa Rica. I was hanging out in an international community called Eco Villa, where not just English or Spanish were spoken. I was then called to stay a couple of extra days, and wanted to watch something inspiring before bed. Each of the words below came from some aspect of my time in Costa Rica.

While watching “LIVE TO LEAD” on Netflix (great movie by the way), I watched a lawyer (Albie Sachs) for Nelson Mandela being incredibly courageous and irrationally optimistic about the world, especially after surviving a terrorist bomb. The word he offered in his interview was Ubuntu which resonates with my cells. It literally means “I am because you are.”

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Three profound questions…

Three profound questions…

The other day I was on what I like to call the ‘Winnie the Pooh Trail’. Every time I come to a new truth, the wind blows and leaves fall all around me like golden snow.

I love the affirmation and being humbled at every direction.

I mean, I asked for it.

You asked for it.

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Solar eclipses, opportunities to choose, and trying times…

Solar eclipses, opportunities to choose, and trying times…

While I was with my parents in Bracebridge, Ontario, having a late Thanksgiving, miracles abounded.

My sisters and I had a beautiful conversation with our parents. This time of their life is so interesting for all of us. I am constantly speaking with their higher selves to make sure my connection with them is strong, I love them so.

I appreciate that I am skilled at communicating on many plains of existence.

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A dear friend asked what do we do with the evil in the world…

A dear friend asked what do we do with the evil in the world…

A dear friend recently asked me what do we do with the evil in the world.

Well, first we have to define evil. I find the word ‘evil’ does not express what is going on within the people who commit the acts causing such great upset. Any combination of the following may have happened to them, leading to actions described as ‘evil’.

Disenfranchisement, loneliness, abuse, severe disempowerment, lack of faith in love and communication based on their past, poverty, and therefore vulnerability, indoctrination by others who have felt the same, trying to find a place to belong, being heard, an expression of the deep resentment and anger they have internally for all the unfairness they perceive. It is coupled, or should I say fuelled, by a sprinkling of righteousness on all sides.

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A book that is so special to me…

A book that is so special to me…

The other day I was in my sauna, sweating my brains out because my body had been in pain. I was listening to the book ‘Braiding Sweetgrass’. It’s brilliant. The first time I read it, I wasn’t able to take in the full magnificence of the words within. I was in a different place.

We’ve just had our Canadian Thanksgiving, the Shadow of American Thanksgiving which follows in November.

I was listening to the story of how important nuts were to those tribes that lived on the prairies and in the forest. They would store nuts, much like wise squirrels and chipmunks do because they contain protein and good fats for the winter.

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Abundance everywhere

Abundance everywhere

I mean, I know we’re made from atoms that come from the soil that also feeds the trees, and food. That same soil, combined with sun and rain also causes the abundance of beauty in nature and the very oxygen we breathe.

BUT YOU KNOW HOW sometimes you just get it more deeply in your cells?

We’re overflowing even at the level of the smallest particle of us … gosh, we come from those atoms. The atoms that were originally stardust. Sometimes it just gets me.

It wasn’t until the last seven years when I started sowing and gathering the harvest of my beautiful garden, which includes flowers, plum trees, and fig trees, that I really got how relentlessly generous, bountiful and giving nature is and, therefore, since we are part of nature, we’re meant to be so.

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Does anything really die?

Does anything really die?

I am fully aware that we’re made of the atoms of the dead seas, and the Sahara sands that flew from Africa, and the oak trees like this one that eventually turned to dust. They’re physically within us in molecular form.

About a month ago, we had to cut down what was once a beautiful oak tree. The amount of fun Mighty Mouse is having on top of the wood pile reminds me of how much I used to delight in that oak tree as well, his delight is simply in a different form from mine.

I’ve noticed recently how many friends have family who are making their transition and they’re just in a different form too. They’re just as whole and just as abundant now as they were when they had physical form.

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I snuck out … sort of … and evidence

I snuck out … sort of … and evidence

I’ve been sleeping upstairs lately, because I need to find my presence again.

Adam and I have discussed it many times, and he totally understands. He feels the same way.

The other night he had some pain in his knee, and it was obvious. So he went to bed early, after using some light therapy. I finished helping him do all his things and then I walked out of my house for a 15-minute walk. Close to the New Moon, the sky was perfectly clear. It’s dark except for this … I live in the country, there are no city lights at all, and I can see the Milky Way as clearly as a sunset.

I walked straight down the middle of the road, on the double yellow line, because everyone here is in bed or on the way by then. It was like having a Universe to myself. I was like a 3-year-old in total wonder. I felt as though all was possible, as I just couldn’t help but constantly look up and up and up. From watching all the Hubble Telescope news, I also now know that most of what we think are stars, are actually Galaxies … can you believe it? 100’s of billions of stars in every galaxy.

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Manifesting without intention…

Manifesting without intention…

Back on the Super Blue Moon last month (at 9:36 pm ET on August 30, to be exact) I shared a very short process for manifesting beyond making mental intentions. That’s so last century!

It’s time to take it up a few notches around manifestation portals, becoming an amazing receiver, and just having everything come to you.

Below is the replay about going through the process and exercise of what stops us from being the most amazing receiver and what to do differently.

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Are you interested in receiving those ‘OR BETTER’S’?

Are you interested in receiving those ‘OR BETTER’S’?

Receptivity breaks are an opportunity to change your frequency channel. To receive, you must have an understanding that you are being given to at the rate of trillions of cells at a time and that it is all happening for you.

You also need vigilance for the direction and good stuff that life is sending you, rather than vigilance for protecting or proving yourself; if you are too independent, you will miss all of the opportunities for co-creation and contribution. These opportunities that present themselves are often nonlinear and a little irrational to the left brain. But when you leave consistent, intermittent space in your schedule, you can create receptivity breaks…

Be willing to dance with whatever life brings you by saying yes. That requires being curious about the adventure, which you actually have been on before. You did all of this when you were two years old…

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Ever felt it’s your time to feel fulfilled…

Ever felt it’s your time to feel fulfilled…

We (the team and I, catalyzed by Sonia), would love you to have access to the original mini-series of 5 live videos on Embracing Flow, Healing the Past, and Unlocking Freedom to Pursue Your Dreams.

In case you’ve been on a digital detox and missed it, last week I hosted a series of live videos and a very engaging chat with soul family over in our TWA Playground Group on Facebook and in our Agents of Awakening (AOA) Community. They’re now on our YouTube Channel, so you’re able to watch and listen to them there.

Watch as soon as possible to get out of any patterns keeping you in the same old … you’ll be so glad you did!

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Undistinguished ways of being…

Undistinguished ways of being…

Do you have unidentified embodied habits that drive the bus of your life?

Until we understand what it is to embody our way of operating in alignment with the laws of life, life is just a series of fix-it actions.

Embodied old, automatic operating systems disappear when the entire operating system is aligned with thriving. So, instead of fixing what doesn’t work, we actually come to a life frequency more aligned with how consciousness works. Those old patterns simply cannot exist anymore as they don’t match our new way of plugging into life.

A recent incident with my family is a great example. There are clues how to permanently get out of doing ‘the work’ of fixing our protective identities, or working so hard on repatterning.

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