Fear does an interesting thing to our brains


“When I’m able to purely live in the contribution and
love that I am, then there is no ‘they’ anymore.

Jennifer Hough

Fear does an interesting thing to our brains.

I was listening to a brilliant podcast a few days ago which my husband reminded me about. Although they didn’t talk about this specifically, it struck me how important it is to understand how our brains work. In understanding this, I’m able to follow my knowing and feel connected to clarity, instead of being manipulated by noise which can only happen if I’m in fear; it’s so easy to be in fear these days, don’t you think?

Fight or flight creates an interesting shift in the brain causing us to relate to those who disagree with our viewpoint as the “other”, and there are those who want to manipulate others in order to protect themselves.

By the way, please know I’m not insinuating that “they” – those who want to protect themselves and their reasons to convince and control – are ‘over there’ because they’re also within me.

When I’m able to purely live in the contribution and love that I am, then there is no ‘they’ anymore.

The solution to all that is happening right now has to start with our own individual lives; this is the only way I can see home to a world that works for everyone.

Those of us fortunate enough to have the luxury of living in peace can build bridges within, freeing us from fear.

The only way to transcend the struggle and suffering in the world is to make our daily actions consistent with the world we want to see, in every way we can imagine.

With love,



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