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Why is the paradigm for prosperity shifting?

The paradigm for prosperity is shifting and the laws of physics give me great hope, here’s why!

Most of us aren’t present to the shifts happening around us because we’re so distracted by the noise.

Globally, wars, political differences, media streaming, fear-based rhetoric, and divisive communications create polarity. Simultaneously, that polarity and struggle is birthing ideas being acted upon by the younger generation as it sits in the ‘dark matter’ of consciousness, waiting in the sub-atomic spaces to be birthed!

Metaphysically speaking, for every problem there is already an existing solution as it’s part of how the Universe stays in balance.

The sense of meaning that awaits you…

The sense of meaning that awaits you…

If you’re going to argue with the fundamental truth that you are here because you have something to contribute and create in this world, then there will be a ton of resistance to who you are pretending to be.

However, if you’re willing to go on the adventure of discovering who you really are and the sense of meaning that awaits you, you’re going to find yourself subconsciously relinquishing a lot of resistance and subject to a lot less headwind.

If you knew, in your heart and to the tips of your toes, that you were a piece of the puzzle of Heaven on Earth, you’d be relentless about acting on possibilities too!

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Choose. Which way do you live?

Choose. Which way do you live?

Today, I wanted to share a wonderfully activating experience.

Have you ever felt as though you’re on the precipice of what’s next? Like life is calling? Like there is no going back?

When my life started to look like it wasn’t headed in the direction of my vision, I started to panic. It was only my personality doing the panicking because, inside, I knew that life’s incongruencies were asking me to step up and become more. I felt inspired to head over to a nearby lake.

My mind was racing around a million worries, not least of which was the question of whether my husband would walk again? Added to that was the running of the business and keeping the house in flow, all while my family was in a health crisis.

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Should we spend the rest of our lives fixing our beliefs because they’re wrong?

Should we spend the rest of our lives fixing our beliefs because they’re wrong?

“… Money is a big, fraught topic for most people because they think it’s what makes the world go round. Uh, by the way, it’s not. Magnetics makes the world go round, both figuratively and literally.”

So, if that’s the case and we have beliefs about money (we all do), should we spend the rest of our lives fixing our beliefs because they’re wrong? I will depart from the answer I would typically give on this subject.

Why? Because the ideas about money in this world have such a stronghold on our reality that it takes a pure outlook on the subject, with no strings attached, for someone to let the past belief go and let abundance flow.

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Our body loves us so much it will never lie

Our body loves us so much it will never lie

When we get disease symptoms, it’s like being told the painful truth by our most faithful friend. It might be painful to hear coming from such a trusted companion but, in hearing it, we can more deeply appreciate the feedback and take enthusiastic action to deal with the problem.

For some of us, our first response to any ill health might be to simply ignore the symptoms, convincing ourselves there’s nothing to worry about and the symptoms, not given any energy, will simply pass. Abraham-Hicks (a channel) describes doing this as “like putting a happy face on an empty gas tank or a flashing engine light.”

The first thing to understand in this ‘Brain Bridge’ is that your cells, and your health, are warning you about paradigms and beliefs currently living through you which deviate from your most fulfilling path forward.

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Does it seem like sometimes things happen ‘to’ you?

Does it seem like sometimes things happen ‘to’ you?

In these interesting times Adam and I are going through with his health, it sometimes seems things are not in flow … and yet they always are. What I am about to share is a perfect answer to the question: “Is it true that everything happens ‘for us’ and not ‘to us’?” – I hope you embody this in your cells.

Recently, I was trying to find a surgeon with advanced expertise in the area necessary to achieve the greatest outcome for Adam whose pained cries were causing me to carry him a little. I started trying to predict our future, his future and my mind wanted answers now. It was the time of a full moon, the weekend of re-birth for much of humanity and my mind just wanted clarity.

Don’t get me wrong, I would say for 98% of the day I’m in total flow but, holy cow, when I’m not these days, there are some big redirects and I’m good with that. My cells and heart know very well that coming from fear does not work. Sometimes it’s so hard to remember that when it’s about someone you love.

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What do you really know to be true?

What do you really know to be true?

Years ago I asked “How can I stop having migraines?” when I was in the middle of one of the worst ones ever! It wasn’t going away, it was stubborn, like I am/was. I don’t mind being stubborn when it comes to what makes me feel expansive but it’s so ineffective when it comes to holding onto patterns that make us feel safe. But I digress.

When I said the two words that have saved my life many times, “Show Me”,
I knew that I would have to put the pain far away from my consciousness,
so I could listen to the wisdom that transcends reason. So I just did.
I let my body experience pain while my consciousness simply went beyond this dimension.

Everyone can do it, it’s just that most people forget in the moment that they can.

Recently, I’ve had to do exactly the same thing during some trying times with my husband’s health. Except now it’s about transcending his pain, and my carrying of his pain. What I got shown in every case, is this.

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Understanding of the idea of the holographic Universe…

Understanding of the idea of the holographic Universe…

In last week’s newsletter, I shared how the laws of physics determine that what you make important to you through your actions, words, and deeds will continue to show itself in your life. Today, I’ll share the importance of fractals, spirals and the holographic Universe.

The spin of things is a principle that will take an understanding of renowned physicist Nassim Haramein’s current thesis. It’s also going to take some understanding of the idea of fractals and the holographic Universe. We will unpack that below.

We are one at some level of existence. Scientifically explaining the basis for this paradigm makes it a much more compelling concept. The meaning I found through the scientific explanation was life-changing for me; I hope it is for you as well.

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What does the science say?

What does the science say?

The laws of physics say that what you make important to you through your actions, words, and deeds will continue to show itself in your life.

Suppose the paradigm in which you are living your entire life is based on a flawed or incongruent fear-based collection of beliefs, or a paradigm.

In that case, it will influence every event, person, thought, and interaction that you encounter.

You walk around with that perspective in your DNA. Consciousness loves you; you are an ocean in the drop of consciousness (thank you, Rumi). Thoughts are simply the result of the beliefs you hold, which ultimately reflect the paradigms that you live by.

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We all project our way of being on others here and there…

We all project our way of being on others here and there…

It’s interesting that visionaries are terrific at seeing the big picture but, sadly, not always great at building bridges so others can share their visions for the future of their business, projects, families and dreams. It’s frustrating for others that don’t see life in the same way.

As a visionary, I find it frustrating because sometimes, we can’t understand why others don’t see our future vision and sometimes judge colleagues unfairly.

In the past, I’ve had to deal with this in TWA. My brain is naturally wired for the big picture, which is no better or worse, just a different way of being. Sometimes, though, we visionaries unhelpfully project our way of thinking onto others, assuming they see what we see, leaving them feeling they didn’t get the memo about the way forward.

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‘Or betters’ are what happen when we…

‘Or betters’ are what happen when we…

‘Or betters’ present frequently when we simply remember ourselves as the embodied intention of everything we’ve ever lived in any life. They manifest when we remember our free will to choose, realizing our trajectory is the result of every past life, every desire, and every prayer you have ever prayed.

‘Or betters’ happen when you live like control is overrated. Understanding the resources of the omnipotent and omniscient Creation will deliver for you so far beyond anything your lovely (please don’t hate me) pea brain can intend is key. Your brain only accesses your history, the programs you learnt in school and paradigms you’ve created through the years, and who wants to ‘rinse and repeat’ that again?

Your greater Wisdom is constantly dancing with the trajectory you are on. You’re a living intention, without ever needing to use your brain to intend. Infinite Wisdom is in a dance with you, responding to your every thought and, perhaps ever more, to your actions. It’s responding to your life’s purpose. The thing is, you can’t mentally intend your way to an awesome life.

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Sometimes change feels scary to go through…

Sometimes change feels scary to go through…

What part of us is scared of change? It’s the part that has to die for the expanded version to become the new YOU, able to sustain the dream you’re dreaming.

The true infinite soul of us does not die, so YOU are not afraid to die. It’s the part of you that feels comfy, familiar and predictable that’s afraid. Personally, distinguishing between the true ME and the identities or aspects of my personality trying to protect me gives me some solace, lessening my need for courage.

On the other hand, what is this internal need to follow my heart?
To make dreams/imaginings/potential creations come to reality?
Do you feel that? Am I alone here? I don’t think so.

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Getting back into flow … and what it takes.

Getting back into flow … and what it takes.

So often in the past, I’ve let myself become overly excited about the possibilities in my life. Equally, sometimes I have and still do let my mind run away with scary possible futures, or at least they feel scary in the moment. Either way, if I let my emotional reaction run away from me, it takes me out of my presence.

At the moment, I’m looking at my body and health and I feel that my body could be more fit than ever! This could also apply to my business, relationship, money or even my dog! Recently, I’ve caught myself becoming too involved in my emotions about the future, taking me out of the present moment where the redirections, clarity and expansive solutions are.

It used to be extremely hard to get myself back to neutral. I’m so blessed that it’s not really a roller coaster anymore but more an expansive ride forward, up and out. I’ve found that the shorter the time I spend being involved in or fascinated by my emotions, or my reaction to opinion about what’s going on, the more quickly I’ll receive answers and solutions.

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I’m at Wholefoods writing this. The house, and my office pull on me too much. I’m prone to carrying my husband, although I mostly gave that up for lent! (I’m not Catholic, but you know what I mean).

Why take time away? Why move venues for a while? Why break from your focus?

Here’s my experience with thousands of clients, but more importantly myself.

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Why do passion and love matter in a way that can free us?

Why do passion and love matter in a way that can free us?

There I was watching Interstellar (the movie), yet again! I’m passionate about physics. I love the images and experiences this movie shares around ideas that most simply hypothesize about. Here’s the cool thing … There are very few things that transcend every dimension. I didn’t really get it viscerally until then, although intellectually I have heard it many, many times before.

You can feel passionately about, and feel love for ideas that have yet to be created or which have already died, the beauty of space and the Universe, and complete intangibles, like God.

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How do we thrive in a 3D world built for linear people?

How do we thrive in a 3D world built for linear people?

Listen, most people are as sensitive as you, they’ve simply forced themselves to be very linear and rigid. The result is that most people simply survive. They have okay love (or at least they did), they protect what is theirs but they never really find out what it is to exponentially co-create what’s possible, embracing both meaning and fulfillment personified.

Doing this will take these five things:

1. COURAGE – to let go of familiar patterns….

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A visionary leader is not a manager

A visionary leader is not a manager

A visionary leader sees the possibility for change, feels a passion for a different future, and is called to something more than currently exists. They’re okay with not only shaking their own internal tree, but also those of others, creating fresh evolutionary pathways for themselves, and those around them.

In contrast, a manager takes what is, making the existing situation work and perhaps even improving it, if they’re good. A manager loves to organize, more than push the envelope of what is acceptable to society.

Neither one is better than the other because society needs both systems for success.

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Time for evolutionary change!

Time for evolutionary change!

Embodiment is where it’s at these days … and 2023 is about the rubber-hitting the road for those visionaries who know there is more to life. No more just talking about it!

It is also time for evolutionary change, a new book instead of a new chapter in your life, and finding ways to live out all you’ve imagined by engaging your superpowers. It became clear to me that I am working with visionaries during one of our recent calls with soul family and in my one-on-one intensives. I wonder whether you see yourself that way or not?

We’re in a new era with evolved ways of finding our way to flow, flourishing and then ultimately flying. We can do that together in the brand new Embodiment workshop. The beta version is where it begins!

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Taking your health for granted

Taking your health for granted

If you’re reading this, the chances are you’re a visionary and you may not even realize it. Don’t think of it as a big deal, it isn’t; it’s just that you’re inspired to listen to your heart, build bridges and find more intimacy with others, and in life. You’re making the contributions you were born to do. So you and I need a body.

In 2023, the subject of the body telling all and then it being taken for granted, is a big one for me.

I’ve had a pretty strong body for most of my life. As I’m moving through my 50s, I’m aware that I’ve been taking my body for granted. What my body is asking for now is not the same as when I was in my 30s, although my personality certainly wishes it was, as that would be easy.

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The cost of being right!

The cost of being right!

Recently, while on a flight, I had a great discussion with a lovely woman whose perspective on life is very different from mine. In short, she suffers a lot and is angry most of the time. The perceived reasons for her upset are all outside herself and, although she tried super hard to convince me it was because of all the messed up people out there, alas, she didn’t win!

As you may know, I’m a relentless champion of deeper truths and higher conversations and, at this time of year, I thought I’d share this as you, or your friends, may need to hear it.

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Greetings for this new year!

Greetings for this new year!

This past year offered so much clarity and contrast, bringing ‘the dark into the light’, revealing it both in the world, and in my own life.

As we’re shutting the door on the closing year, let’s declare it complete, with great gratitude.

I know I’m so thankful for all that came to light, making me laser beam focused on this coming year. I’m looking at ways to assist humanity more creatively than I’ve ever considered before, and all while simplifying as much as possible. Phew!

Our choices are clear. We either continue arguing for sides and trying to fix the past, or start engaging, as the Heaven on Earth Construction Crew, towards finding solutions for our lives, communities, and the wider world.

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