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Presence with Wisdom: A Leader’s Path to Thriving Amidst Chaos

Discover the laws of Applied Physics that unlock non-linear results and a profound sense of fulfillment. Read this blog to learn how to get out of your own way and optimize your life.

There‘s a lot going on in the world right now… can you feel it?

There‘s a lot going on in the world right now… can you feel it?

Do you tend to forget that what you are feeling in your body, and what’s reflected in your mind, is not necessarily about you?

Have you been wondering what is going on in the world (behind the scenes energetically, and in the cosmos), and how it affects your relationships, your mood, and all the good stuff life is made of? And genuinely wondering how the heck to transcend being affected by any of it???

Gorgeous one… what if it begins with upping the ante on the question,and instead ask:

How can I be an Agent for Change?

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An insight about love from my talk last week

An insight about love from my talk last week

I understood more deeply that asking “WHY” love is not happening for you is a way to stay endlessly stuck in a cycle of intellectual examination, and evidence for your perceived lack of deservingness.

WHAT IF… all it takes is curiosity on the adventure?

After all, Life has already landed the answers to HOW loved you are, and all the various ways that it can be expressed.

WHAT IF… all it takes is vigilance for the answers that are waiting for you?

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Let’s talk about FLOW…

Let’s talk about FLOW…

I wanted to share something from the depths of my heart on the subject of FLOW…

You see it’s not just about getting out of your own way. It’s about embodying the operating system for thriving. You can use skills and tools to temporarily get out of the way of your own flow, but the two are not the same thing.

I watch much of humanity asking to feel better from their situation. That’s easy enough to do. There are tools and tricks all day long to do that. Embodiment however, is a whole other animal.

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This doorway matters a lot…

This doorway matters a lot…

What if you’re just a cosmic three-year-old, Aditya, here to play with the resources on Earth, to use all of your abilities, and to expand upon the beauty that already is?

I’m not joking. I first started asking about the meaning of life when I was seven years old. A little precocious, I know, but I was wondering who we were and what the purpose of “all this” was.

What if the entire way you have done what you did now exists for all time in “the field,” and can be accessed metaphysically by all. Likewise, you are able to receive wisdom from everyone else’s experience. Pretty cool, huh?

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More of this… yes, please!

More of this… yes, please!

Two days ago, I was feeling overwhelmed in ways I cannot describe.

I love my staff, my clients, my family, but sometimes I forget two things:

(1) That carrying and caring are two very different things, and

(2) That people have their own capacity to find their way home… not my circus, not my clowns, unless they ask me for assistance.

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206: On The Dock with Chef James Shirley

1 206 Chef James Shirley worked for the city of Chicago and began cooking as a side hustle. He got a job at a restaurant and quickly learned that he knew nothing about cooking. The executive chef at the time, Tony Montuano, took him under his wing and taught him...

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Is this you?

Is this you?

I cannot emphasize enough, Aditya, how important it is these days to choose your words well.


These are times when it is so easy to be taken out by the smallest conversation, the tiniest trigger, the most seemingly obscure event. The other day, I could have easily engaged someone else’s upset, and had a feeling of wanting to defend. I chose not to go there.


Because I realized that when someone in my life is having a really bad day, and I desperately want to fix it, my words and actions demonstrate and reflect my own discomfort, or that they need fixing, thus conveying to my friend/client/loved one that they are broken.

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I was so angry and felt so alone…

I was so angry and felt so alone…

Today I want to share with you a personal account of how epi-genetics works. It’s a recent “OUCH and YAY” full-circle moment I had.

Upon awakening one morning, my body did not feel that hot. It felt like I had a dream that put me into PTSD. My spine felt compressed and my body was afraid. So, instead of engaging the fear, I got curious.

I used an anti-inflammatory light therapy that I love to use to get myself to a place where I could at least be present. I did that by continually answering the question, “How can I feel a little bit better now?”

Doing my best to be a champion of my mood and frequency, I then put some CBD on the spots that ached.

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You were not born to fit in with anyone else…

You were not born to fit in with anyone else…

I wanted to share with you how grateful I am to my colleague Shannon, for my new favorite question:

“What is the most fulfilling thing I can do, with the least amount of effort, that uses my abilities the most, while making the biggest difference and has me waking up inspired every day?”

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It never gets old!

It never gets old!

What a day full of rain showed me as I walked up to the top of a hill to do my daily evening practice…

Once I was at the top of the hill, I noticed in the distance were the mountains to the left and clouds that had spent a whole week here, were moving away. The sun was peeping through as it was going down. The rays of light were spectacular on the mountains.

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A little tree shaking…

A little tree shaking…

I used to be VERY teacher-like (my Mom was a teacher, so I come by it honestly).

I was just used to it; I never questioned being that way. However, I didn’t realize what it cost me, and that was MY POWER.

It put me above people. It looked as though I had it all handled, and I didn’t. As a result, I also attracted people who wanted to give their power away to me.

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An important note in these intense times. Hope it assists!

An important note in these intense times. Hope it assists!

Ever wish you didn’t think so much?

I had a very heady conversation with a dear friend recently, and it was all about being afraid to take action on an inspiration. They spent lots of time trying to figure out “WHY” their dreams were calling to them, so their mind could be at peace before they took action.

Oh, my goodness, did I ever have compassion! I used to analyze everything. I thought it would keep me safe. With everything going on in the world right now, every once in a while that habit creeps back in. But it does not keep me safe; it just keeps me in my head, and history is the only thing in my head. I desire to be surprised and delighted by answers not yet imagined.

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Working hard to deserve it is a distraction…

Working hard to deserve it is a distraction…

Picture Credits - Jennifer Hough “You don’t have to work hard to deserve beautiful sunsets.Or to deserve this life.”- Jennifer Hough Before you go to bed tonight, think about this. Go and watch the sunset, and really take it in. Experience it. If it’s cloudy, take a...

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The last few days have been intense…

The last few days have been intense…

Have you ever felt overwhelmed and just thought, “What the…?” I did yesterday. It seriously doesn’t happen often, so the feeling stood out.

I was detoxing the past few days, but didn’t realize it.

Not only that, I had a day of meetings.

I had to have two big-girl conversations (the kind that I dread) with two people I care about.

Oh, and relationship stuff is always evolving… so there’s that.

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I cried. Just saying.

I cried. Just saying.

I realized after watching Matthew McConaughey’s talk this week about the place where he grew up (Uvalde, Texas), that I had still been processing the shooting.

This is not an email about guns, nor is it a political one either.

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BAM! Yep, this happened.

BAM! Yep, this happened.

I had a client ask me last night, “When are all these challenges and triggers going to end so we can get back to normal?”. Newsflash. This is our new normal. So much change is being catalyzed these days, and if you get into emergency mode, it is easy to want to protect yourself and others, to hide, to “carry” your family, or those you love or even yourself.

Here’s something to consider this morning: Just because you’re there for others, doesn’t mean you are necessarily helping them. It depends on whether you’re giving from your overflow and your inspiration, or you are “carrying” them. It may even be that you’re not authentically trying to help them; maybe, just maybe, you’re trying to make your own self feel better because you don’t like the way they’re being or behaving.

I have most certainly carried people I care about at some point in my life. It’s as though I thought that I had the power to make someone else happy. It is so clear to me at this point that no one can make anyone else happy. In fact, doing that can leave the other person(s) powerless to do it for themselves.

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