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Aligning Heart and Action

Discover how to uncover your life’s true purpose by aligning with your core values and the laws of Applied Physics for non-linear results. Read this blog post to learn a proven framework for finding fulfillment and joy in your work and life.

Greetings for this new year!

Greetings for this new year!

This past year offered so much clarity and contrast, bringing ‘the dark into the light’, revealing it both in the world, and in my own life.

As we’re shutting the door on the closing year, let’s declare it complete, with great gratitude.

I know I’m so thankful for all that came to light, making me laser beam focused on this coming year. I’m looking at ways to assist humanity more creatively than I’ve ever considered before, and all while simplifying as much as possible. Phew!

Our choices are clear. We either continue arguing for sides and trying to fix the past, or start engaging, as the Heaven on Earth Construction Crew, towards finding solutions for our lives, communities, and the wider world.

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Happy Merry Everything to you…

Happy Merry Everything to you…

After listening to the news of a dear friend really struggling at this time of year, and some news I was aware of another colleague who was deeply depressed, it became pretty apparent what I wanted to share with you at this intense time of year.

This time of year can be so beautiful and yet it can also be challenging as there are several coinciding significant events.

1. The Winter Solstice: which is an opportunity to look at our choices, restart, and go within to remember ourselves as we move into the next major phase of the year.

2. A major figure’s birthday: Jeshuah represents compassion and forgiveness in the world, Christ consciousness being about unconditional love.

3. The End of a Yearly Cycle and the Beginning of a New One: These combined focus points allow us access to the love needed to move through just about anything, if we so choose.

At the same time, everything that is incomplete, ready to be transmuted, or unnecessary for the year to come will surely reveal itself.

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When things change…

When things change…

Well, my old backpack died after 13 years of climbing mountains, going to swim with dolphins, and chasing rainbows in Hawaii. It’s the beige backpack. I’m thinking of all the people whom we’ve taken on Wide Awakening Adventures and program trips (including you!)

Honestly, letting it go was hard as I happily remembered being with Cathy in Bimini, Vikki in Italy, Nika in Asheville, Amy in Abaco, Jenny in Uxbridge, and so many more special moments. That backpack was a constant companion for all of it. When I threw it in the trash, I really felt I should have a ceremony, SO I DID!

It feels like everything is up to leave this year … clearing the decks with the Winter Solstice, Jeshua’s birthday coming, New Year celebrations, and all.

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We have beliefs about money (we all do)…

We have beliefs about money (we all do)…

This week I’m feeling called to share with you an excerpt from my #1 international best-selling book: UNSTUCK: The Physics of Getting Out of Your Own Way

Chapter 4: Financial Expansiveness: What It Takes To Truly Thrive…

“The truth is that your natural state is one of abundance. I’m sure that you might respond to that statement by saying, “If it’s true that my natural state is abundance, how come it’s not reflected in my checkbook?”

I would counter that you are already abundant. Unfortunately, if this area of your life is an issue, the part of you that doesn’t want to acknowledge how abundant you really are is trying to train your brain to collect evidence to the contrary.

Why would it do that? Well, it’s dangerous to have money. People like me don’t have money. Tall poppies get their heads chopped off. It’s more virtuous not to have money. It doesn’t matter if we figure it out because we are probably only figuring it out from the perspective that we are broken.

Somehow, we operate under the flawed premise that knowing why we are broken might fix us. Right? See how it works?

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It’s easy for me to disconnect from my future

It’s easy for me to disconnect from my future

I want to share with you this week a recent experience with my sweetie about staying connected to others, and what good is that if you are not connected to yourself!

His back has been really hurting him lately, and he is doing so much to ensure he makes his connection to his body, the future he wants, and his guidance.

When he is in pain, it’s easy for me to disconnect from my future, my guidance and my heart because I worry. Which, of course, doesn’t last very long (minutes, in fact) because you know what I know… that it is so disempowering to our partners and those we love to not know “they have this.”

In fact, worrying has the opposite result from the one I desire, which is that he finds his way to healing and health. My worry tells consciousness that I don’t trust his connection, nor does he have his own ability to heal.

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The Brain Bridge That Changed My Life!

The Brain Bridge That Changed My Life!

After working with “Brain Bridges” for a short while, I experienced a huge paradigm “Brain Bridge” that changed my life so much. I couldn’t even work on belief shifting anymore, because my right brain convinced my left brain of such a deep, long-awaited truth.

When I say deep truth, I mean a deep truth for now, not forever. My experience is that truths evolve based on what we know about science, consciousness and physics, and we can’t even hold on to those.

As a Holographic Seer, I often see and speak paradigm shifts and find out their scientific explanation later. This was one of those cases. I was watching a documentary called “Superhuman.” It explains the Innate Abilities that cause us to be alchemical. For three years, the wakened dreams I was having showed me multidimensional DNA that allows us to access non-3D abilities, and junk DNA seemed to be connected to the mystery in my dreams.

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When you remember that being alive is the real gift…

When you remember that being alive is the real gift…

I was recently reminded of a newsletter I wrote this summer. It was about how a day full of rain reminded me of three things. The sky’s clearing was an indicator of what was to come. It made me smile.

I truly do find nature is such a metaphor for what is going on in life, in the world, and certainly in my relationships and my business; do you?

I heard this little voice say, “The clearing in the distance, and the beauty of that sunset, are happening right now, and the clouds haven’t disappeared.”

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Love for yourself, and for those you love.

Love for yourself, and for those you love.

I had a client ask me recently, “When are all these challenges and triggers going to end so we can get back to normal?” Newsflash! This is our new normal. So much change continues being catalyzed, and if you get into emergency mode, it is easy to want to protect yourself and others, to hide, to “carry” your family, those you love, or even yourself.

Here’s something to consider this morning: Just because you’re there for others, doesn’t mean you are necessarily helping them. It depends on whether you’re giving from your overflow and your inspiration, or you are “carrying” them. It may even be that you’re not authentically trying to help them; maybe, just maybe, you’re trying to make your own self feel better because you don’t like the way they’re being or behaving.

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We are born to expand forward

We are born to expand forward

I’ve been feeling tired, out of sorts, sleepless, not able to keep my eyes open, being “off,” having poor concentration, and achiness. These have all been in the cards for me these past couple of weeks. Why? Because solar flares are real. And since we are magnetic and electrical beings with receptor sites on the outside of our cells, we feel in our bodies what’s called “synchrotronic radiation” from the sun.

Have you been feeling it this past week or so? Our staff sure has. Because our work is based on Epigenetics, Biophysics, and Astrophysics, this is the kind of information that saved my life when I was trying to understand what all of my “woo” friends (and I say that with love) were sharing with me about the land of Spirit. Can we transcend being affected by these cosmological events? Of course!

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Have you been feeling overwhelmed lately?

Have you been feeling overwhelmed lately?

Have you noticed at times that it can be so easy to get overwhelmed when the environment of the world at large is shifting so quickly? So much contrast and intensity! I’ve often felt it myself, and I still do what I need to, to stay grounded.

I go for two walks per day, instead of one. Playing with the dog always helps me ground. And I often just phone someone I love to talk with, about something that we share.

It’s still such a powerful time to become a master of dancing with Infinite Wisdom directly, because so much wisdom is asked of us. Quantum leaps can be made as we develop the muscle of the ability to stay in our hearts, and therefore stay in “the flow.” ⁠

As each drop in the ocean changes, the ocean itself also changes. Just by doing what it takes to find peace inside oneself, and to be catalyzed to creativity instantly, affects the whole of humanity. I am so impassioned by the knowledge that we can create flow, community, compassion, and evolution in the way civilization interacts, and how we treat each other and ourselves.

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Soul family is definitely a thing…

Soul family is definitely a thing…

I remember thinking to myself in high school, and until I was about 44 years old: “Hey, where are the people who get me?” Paradoxically, I didn’t realize that needing to be “seen” or “gotten” was really just me chasing my own tail. We all change so much every day, every hour that, honestly, that would be a full-time job.

HOWEVER… there are some characteristics that I have noticed in those with whom I love to play, and I wonder if you have, too?

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Entanglement with others is overrated

Entanglement with others is overrated

Your heart’s knowing matters so much.

When you marry someone, marry because you “know” somehow that they are a worthy playmate on this imperfect adventure called Life.

When you stay with someone, stay because your deepest intuition feels a “YES!,” whether you feel great or even when something feels off. Then be mindful of your own mood, take space when you need it, and have important conversations when possible. That’s why mastering your own clarity on your journey is so important.

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One word… Change!

One word… Change!

I thought that I was actually pretty good with moving through change, but the other night I realized that maybe I’m not as good at change as I thought. Big and new ideas are coming forward; my heart’s calling is LOUD.

The following morning, yet another big change happened, and I found myself both looking forward and transmuting the energy of the “shoulda, coulda, wouldas” at the same time. When that happens, I need space for it all to process so that I don’t force myself out of the unfamiliarity too fast. I mean, it’s the one constant, so wanting things to stand still is a surefire way to go backward, given that life is always expanding forward. I just know that everything right now is speeding up. Incongruent processes, relationships and projects are being rewired, or let go at a pace greater than ever before.

Do you have a personal operating system that allows you to flow through it all, and experience results that feel expansive?

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A perspective: On hurricanes, birth, and being better…

A perspective: On hurricanes, birth, and being better…

Storms are major reset points. A time to cleanse, a time to have compassion, a time to be present to the ways in which we are all the same, instead of arguing about the differences among us. With Hurricane Ian, we currently have before us yet another opportunity to exercise our ability to choose to be good, do good, and have humanity for another. I have friends who were in the thick of things, lost everything, and will have to re-build. They come from every walk of life.

Politics, points of view and opinion are constructs and frameworks through which to view the world. The heart is not a construct. The heart purifies the view when the heart is the eyes from which we are perceiving. As I went for a bike ride the other day, I saw a calf being born in the middle of a field within five minutes of leaving the house. The cow was cleaning the calf, as it tried to get up and walk. Love is an instinct, foundational to life.

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An insight about love from my talk last week

An insight about love from my talk last week

Have you noticed that humanity’s old ways of Awakening are no longer aligned with the speed at which we are being asked to embody ourselves?

The time for living in analyzing, in finding a guru, or in giving our power away to anyone or anything is over. We are actually designed to be our own gurus.

Did you know that our collective, powerful desires for more meaning, fulfillment and depth in our lives are causing us to find new ways to evolve, so we can keep up with the speed of the answers that are waiting for us?

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There‘s a lot going on in the world right now… can you feel it?

There‘s a lot going on in the world right now… can you feel it?

Do you tend to forget that what you are feeling in your body, and what’s reflected in your mind, is not necessarily about you?

Have you been wondering what is going on in the world (behind the scenes energetically, and in the cosmos), and how it affects your relationships, your mood, and all the good stuff life is made of? And genuinely wondering how the heck to transcend being affected by any of it???

Gorgeous one… what if it begins with upping the ante on the question,and instead ask:

How can I be an Agent for Change?

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An insight about love from my talk last week

An insight about love from my talk last week

I understood more deeply that asking “WHY” love is not happening for you is a way to stay endlessly stuck in a cycle of intellectual examination, and evidence for your perceived lack of deservingness.

WHAT IF… all it takes is curiosity on the adventure?

After all, Life has already landed the answers to HOW loved you are, and all the various ways that it can be expressed.

WHAT IF… all it takes is vigilance for the answers that are waiting for you?

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Let’s talk about FLOW…

Let’s talk about FLOW…

I wanted to share something from the depths of my heart on the subject of FLOW…

You see it’s not just about getting out of your own way. It’s about embodying the operating system for thriving. You can use skills and tools to temporarily get out of the way of your own flow, but the two are not the same thing.

I watch much of humanity asking to feel better from their situation. That’s easy enough to do. There are tools and tricks all day long to do that. Embodiment however, is a whole other animal.

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This doorway matters a lot…

This doorway matters a lot…

What if you’re just a cosmic three-year-old, Aditya, here to play with the resources on Earth, to use all of your abilities, and to expand upon the beauty that already is?

I’m not joking. I first started asking about the meaning of life when I was seven years old. A little precocious, I know, but I was wondering who we were and what the purpose of “all this” was.

What if the entire way you have done what you did now exists for all time in “the field,” and can be accessed metaphysically by all. Likewise, you are able to receive wisdom from everyone else’s experience. Pretty cool, huh?

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