What’s possible when we shift in the way we shift…

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

“No problem can be solved from
the same level of consciousness that created it.

– Albert Einstein

Here’s what was going on 20 years ago. I had to restrict my food to be healthy, I had to cleanse, I had to work hard on myself to “fix me,” and I had to be a much better person before I got on with my whole purpose. I asked myself, “Seriously, that’s what I have to do to feel great, love my life, be loved, live my dreams?” That is NOT thriving.

That’s working hard to deserve goodness; it’s surviving. Maybe surviving well sometimes, but if the Universe loves me (and you), and dreamt me (and you) into being, there is no way life has to be that hard.

I remember the day 20 years ago that I got so frustrated after taking a personal development program because I started feeling so tired of constantly analyzing and excavating my brokenness. I had been looking at past lives, my relationship with my family, and the perfectionism that dogged me. It all seemed like an endless sea of “why’s.”

That night I had a dream that would change the direction of my path forever. I got to see that the reason I got tired when I excavated and analyzed, was because it’s not the most efficient or effective way to have a great life!! I could spend the rest of my life “working on myself” through energy work, talking, meditating, and so on.

It was then that I realized that the path to actually living an inspired, fulfilling, and meaningful life is not based on our current model of waking up. Big AHA! Having that kind of life is about catching our brain and biology up to a new way of operating, instead of endlessly looking at why we aren’t fully thriving.

Oh, and everything changed. Immediately. That’s when I started studying the physics of thriving in life, mind and body. Who am I to ignore Greater Wisdom’s call?

I have come to realize (through my work as a former nutritionist) that there are patterns of thought that create your biochemistry, and if you don’t change the patterns, life will default to match your beliefs and level of attraction.

Why would we have to continue to shift one belief at a time, or a couple at a time?

Excavating endlessly on the slow track… is that seriously what life is all about? It doesn’t make sense when we know we are not broken and don’t need fixing!

So… if a bunch of thoughts that we think over and over become beliefs, and after collecting evidence for the rightness of the thoughts related to those beliefs, and then a bunch of beliefs when married together become an entirely personal or cultural paradigm, then why don’t we shift perspectives on the whole paradigm, instead of just the beliefs?


  • We are not broken and we don’t need fixing. If you do courses to fix yourself, you will find more to fix.
  • You can transmute thousands of beliefs at a time by Activating instead of excavating.
  • The only way to thrive is to learn how to do it specifically and directly. Anything else is just learning how to survive better through looking at the past.

This is just the beginning of what it means to Get Out of Your Own Way™ … well, truly the Universe’s way.

Just a little something I thought you may want to consider, dear friend!

I’d love to see you in our upcoming Get Out of Your Own Way™ – Spaciousness Yes, Overwhelm No in May. Join us.

With love,

P.S. I share a lot more about shifting paradigms and living with fulfillment in my latest book UNSTUCK; The Physics of Getting Out of Your Own Way. Have you gotten your copy yet? If not, get it here!



Upgrade at a cellular level

Upgrade at a cellular level

I just finished a powerful 4 days at our Embodiment Workshop and VIP day here in Asheville and my heart is so full from all the shifts and clarity that happened for myself and for all of us collectively and I wanted to share something with you…

When we upgrade at a cellular level, ‘going direct’ with consciousness, we become part of its flow and push to expansion. We remember our natural state – to move forward and out.

Everything happens for us because consciousness works that way.

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I had a dream about holding onto control…

I had a dream about holding onto control…

I had a dream where something really spectacular was being built, but all of the recently purchased construction materials I thought I needed, fell into the water as everyone continued to build this awesome vision.

There was a flow to the water like a tide, and it pulled all of the old materials, or the materials that I thought we needed, even if they were new, out to sea. I remember scrambling in my dream to keep the old materials because I thought we needed them. I was telling everyone to get the old materials from the water. And then, at some point, I realized that nobody felt the same urgency as me.

At first, in my dream, I felt unheard, but I realized that was just my ego. I haven’t remembered a dream in a while as I’ve been integrating with some changes. So I knew that this dream was really important.

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Just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean it can’t flow 💓…

Just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean it can’t flow 💓…

Just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean it can’t flow…

Since the beginning of 2024, I have been watching myself going through a patch where everything that wasn’t handled, cleaned up or in alignment is coming up to leave, be healed or full circled.

And these are big things, not little things… my health, and realigning with business things and love-related stuff. Yep, three major areas.

It could be overwhelming if I judged it. And trust me, it’s a lot. And it’s very real.

So how to move through these times …

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