I avoided this like crazy…

Photo By: Dingzeyu Li

“Having desires is built into the design of Human-ness. You deserve to have desires.
Of course, manifesting themis assumed because you are a Creator.”

Jennifer Hough

Just a thought this morning. Desire is a part of being human.I remember someone saying to me once, “But what about loving what is? And what about Buddhists who seek not to desire?”

My response is this: Buddhists desire not to desire… so that ended at the beginning.

Although it is a great start to love what is, and often very helpful to get over a past event, we were born to create upon creation. Period. We are Creator as an expression of greater Creation, with all of our unique characteristics, bells and whistles that give our journey its juiciness. It’s okay to desire.

Where it gets funky is when we get attached to that desire. Imagine that every heart’s yearning simply activates a cellular smile, and that opens you up to all of consciousness. That makes you vulnerable to the entirety of all that is!!!! Not only are you letting all of you out, but you are also letting all of what’s possible in!!!!!

Loving what is, is simply a tool when you are stuck, or a way to get to peace. But it is not the reason to wake up in the morning. It’s a respite from the craziness of the mind’s attachments, and a great way to rise to a higher frequency.

Because I (and you) were made as a microcosm of Creation, I love looking for places and areas that can be improved upon, or made more fluid; that is where all my good ideas come from!! This is where I love to play! I’m totally enjoying the view from my office window right now, with the mountainscape before me, and I love wondering what could possibly be better! I love that I cannot imagine anything better, and that I am open to every “or better” life has to offer. That is a life of miracles. That is one of the 24 aspects of the Thriving Operating System.

With love and hugs,

P.S. Oh, and the bee on the daisy was an “OR BETTER!” I didn’t even see him when I took the picture. I call those retroactive desires (they are the best), “OR BETTERS.”


The key to thriving is…

The key to thriving is…

A key to thriving is remembering that doing this is actually important.

It’s ‘nothing’.

That’s the thing, doing nothing is doing something.I’m sure you’ve sometimes tried to keep pushing through a project when life is showing you the harder and longer you push, the more unproductive things get, right?

I’m so guilty of feeling invincible or, put another way, stubbornly carrying on instead of being present to what life is showing, or sometimes commanding, me to do.

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I always thought that I had to find the right person…

I always thought that I had to find the right person…

I know I’ve shared this before, but I think it’s worth revisiting. Thinking about my journey, I regret none of my previous relationships. Studying the laws of physics has given me so much clarity around my time with dear partners from the past.

I always thought I had to find the right person. Nope. Not about that. They find you. And that is based on a few important shifts in thinking that changed my life.

1. LOVE JUST IS – love is in and through everything, available at all times. There’s nothing to create as, if it really is love, then it’s already unconditional. Love that feels conditional is actually more about acceptance or approval.

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Upgrade at a cellular level

Upgrade at a cellular level

I just finished a powerful 4 days at our Embodiment Workshop and VIP day here in Asheville and my heart is so full from all the shifts and clarity that happened for myself and for all of us collectively and I wanted to share something with you…

When we upgrade at a cellular level, ‘going direct’ with consciousness, we become part of its flow and push to expansion. We remember our natural state – to move forward and out.

Everything happens for us because consciousness works that way.

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