Are you truly receiving all that life has to offer you? xoxo Jennifer

From The Wide Awakening Weekly

Will the REAL you come out and play?

“Everything is truly coming to you. What you actually see, however, depends on how many filters you have running in the background.” ~ Jennifer Hough (Tweetable)

Hi there,

Sometimes we make the mistake that… what we think is “just our personality” is actually a protective way of being. You know, like being aloof, or independent, or capable, or invulnerable. Any of those ring a bell?

When we have those protective mechanisms, it puts a filter on the greater reality that the Universe/ Life/ Physics is responding to, namely, who you REALLY REALLY REALLY are. That expansive yummy being who is here to create upon Creation. You know, to just be the piece of the puzzle of Heaven on Earth that you came here to be!

So, if you were wondering how come your flow sometimes seems missing in action, have a look at the filters and ways of being that may have become so autopilot to you … that you’ve forgotten the fact that you made them up when you were 7, and 9 and 12, in response to being hurt.

Come on out from under the pile of identities.


Jennifer xoxoxo
P.S. Okay, let’s do this a different way… Pretend we’re both 8 years old for a second… — KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! — “Can Christi come out and play?” (That was me at your door… : )

If this resonates for you, maybe it will for your friends, too…


Jennifer Hough and
The Wide Awakening Team | (905) 985-4023 x30



Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Well, you might be surprised to hear me say absolutely not.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about deliberately forcing ourselves to do things that feel awful.

It’s just that I hear so many people saying… “only do it if it feels good”.

Here’s the issue with that:

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Fear does an interesting thing to our brains

Fear does an interesting thing to our brains

Fear does an interesting thing to our brains.

I was listening to a brilliant podcast a few days ago which my husband reminded me about. Although they didn’t talk about this specifically, it struck me how important it is to understand how our brains work. In understanding this, I’m able to follow my knowing and feel connected to clarity, instead of being manipulated by noise which can only happen if I’m in fear; it’s so easy to be in fear these days, don’t you think?

Fight or flight creates an interesting shift in the brain causing us to relate to those who disagree with our viewpoint as the “other”, and there are those who want to manipulate others in order to protect themselves.

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The key to thriving is…

The key to thriving is…

A key to thriving is remembering that doing this is actually important.

It’s ‘nothing’.

That’s the thing, doing nothing is doing something.I’m sure you’ve sometimes tried to keep pushing through a project when life is showing you the harder and longer you push, the more unproductive things get, right?

I’m so guilty of feeling invincible or, put another way, stubbornly carrying on instead of being present to what life is showing, or sometimes commanding, me to do.

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