This doorway matters a lot…

“When you apply yourself fully to the life in front of you
and let it rip, that same doorway,
no longer guarded by old protective mechanisms,
lets your true essence out, and also lets Life’s wisdom in!

Jennifer Hough

What if you’re just a cosmic three-year-old, here to play with the resources on Earth, to use all of your abilities, and to expand upon the beauty that already is?

I’m not joking. I first started asking about the meaning of life when I was seven years old. A little precocious, I know, but I was wondering who we were and what the purpose of “all this” was.

What if the entire way you have done what you did now exists for all time in “the field,” and can be accessed metaphysically by all. Likewise, you are able to receive wisdom from everyone else’s experience. Pretty cool, huh?

Imagine that your personality traits and protective mechanisms have done their jobs of isolating you or protecting you from potential danger in the past, but they may have also kept you from receiving the wisdom that is available. Meaning… when the protective mechanisms are present, they keep life and flow from entering.

When you apply yourself fully to the life in front of you and let it rip, that same doorway, no longer guarded by old, unneeded protective mechanisms, lets your true essence out, and at the same time lets Life’s wisdom in!

Isn’t it interesting to consider for a moment that if that’s true, then being pinched off from the open door of the reciprocal flow of creativity by being protective or scared, robs you of the very love you seek. It also robs everyone else of all of you. It’s a lose-lose situation.

I am gonna talk about the power of love and letting it rip, in September, in a big event all about LOVE, where I and a few other impassioned leaders will gather to support you in your journey. The LOVE EVENT was created by my dear friend, Bernardo Moya (love him), and you can join HERE.

I’m honored to be speaking 3 different times during the event:

Friday, September 9th

10:35 am to 11:05 am ET Panel Guest

“Takers, Breakers and Narcissists Oh My! (How to deal with difficult people)”

Friday, September 9th

12:30 pm to 12:55 pm ET My Talk

“The Most Important Question Anyone’s Ever asked about Love and Why it Matters”

Sunday, September 11th

10:15 am to 10:30 am ET

Interview SPOTLIGHTING Jennifer Hough


With love,



I had a dream about holding onto control…

I had a dream about holding onto control…

I had a dream where something really spectacular was being built, but all of the recently purchased construction materials I thought I needed, fell into the water as everyone continued to build this awesome vision.

There was a flow to the water like a tide, and it pulled all of the old materials, or the materials that I thought we needed, even if they were new, out to sea. I remember scrambling in my dream to keep the old materials because I thought we needed them. I was telling everyone to get the old materials from the water. And then, at some point, I realized that nobody felt the same urgency as me.

At first, in my dream, I felt unheard, but I realized that was just my ego. I haven’t remembered a dream in a while as I’ve been integrating with some changes. So I knew that this dream was really important.

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Just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean it can’t flow 💓…

Just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean it can’t flow 💓…

Just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean it can’t flow…

Since the beginning of 2024, I have been watching myself going through a patch where everything that wasn’t handled, cleaned up or in alignment is coming up to leave, be healed or full circled.

And these are big things, not little things… my health, and realigning with business things and love-related stuff. Yep, three major areas.

It could be overwhelming if I judged it. And trust me, it’s a lot. And it’s very real.

So how to move through these times …

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It seems scary to go through change…

It seems scary to go through change…

It seems scary to go through change. For me, just as much as anyone else.The question is, which part is scared? It’s the part that has to die for the expanded version to become the new you, able to sustain the dream you’re dreaming.

Our true infinite soul never dies, so YOU are not afraid to die, but rather the part of you that feels comfy, familiar and predictable.

Somehow, for me personally, distinguishing between the true ME and the identities (aspects of my personality) that are trying to protect me gives me a little solace and lessens my need for courage.

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