‘Or betters’ are what happen when we…

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda“Life is responding to that intention that you are,
which will override any intention that you make mentally.
All of the solutions that Life will send you will be relentlessly
consistent with the futures that are dreaming you.

Jennifer Hough

‘Or betters’ are what happen when we relinquish the need to intend.

‘Or betters’ present frequently when we simply remember ourselves as the embodied intention of everything we’ve ever lived in any life. They manifest when we remember our free will to choose, realizing our trajectory is the result of every past life, every desire, and every prayer you have ever prayed.

‘Or betters’ happen when you live like control is overrated. Understanding the resources of the omnipotent and omniscient Creation will deliver for you so far beyond anything your lovely (please don’t hate me) pea brain can intend is key. Your brain only accesses your history, the programs you learnt in school and paradigms you’ve created through the years, and who wants to ‘rinse and repeat’ that again?

Your greater Wisdom is constantly dancing with the trajectory you are on. You’re a living intention, without ever needing to use your brain to intend. Infinite Wisdom is in a dance with you, responding to your every thought and, perhaps ever more, to your actions. It’s responding to your life’s purpose. The thing is, you can’t mentally intend your way to an awesome life.

Life responds to the intention that you are, overriding any intentions you make mentally. All of the solutions Life sends are relentlessly consistent with the futures that are open for you. Your life offers a series of possible trajectories, each offering you the opportunity to live in a ridiculously awesome way. Those ‘or betters’ will always override any intention you make to be safe and in control, or have a predictable future.

Have you ever thought about whether you’ve created intentions to keep you safe, in control, and with a predictable future?

Next time you create a vision board, make the top one-third pictures and words that fill you with joy. In the other two-thirds, write in big, bold marker ‘OR BETTER!’

With love,

P.S. This is an excerpt from my international best selling book UNSTUCK. Stay tuned for the ‘Or Better’ announcement about the book coming soon!



Why is the paradigm for prosperity shifting?

Why is the paradigm for prosperity shifting?

The paradigm for prosperity is shifting and the laws of physics give me great hope, here’s why!

Most of us aren’t present to the shifts happening around us because we’re so distracted by the noise.

Globally, wars, political differences, media streaming, fear-based rhetoric, and divisive communications create polarity. Simultaneously, that polarity and struggle is birthing ideas being acted upon by the younger generation as it sits in the ‘dark matter’ of consciousness, waiting in the sub-atomic spaces to be birthed!

Metaphysically speaking, for every problem there is already an existing solution as it’s part of how the Universe stays in balance.

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Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Well, you might be surprised to hear me say absolutely not.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about deliberately forcing ourselves to do things that feel awful.

It’s just that I hear so many people saying… “only do it if it feels good”.

Here’s the issue with that:

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Fear does an interesting thing to our brains

Fear does an interesting thing to our brains

Fear does an interesting thing to our brains.

I was listening to a brilliant podcast a few days ago which my husband reminded me about. Although they didn’t talk about this specifically, it struck me how important it is to understand how our brains work. In understanding this, I’m able to follow my knowing and feel connected to clarity, instead of being manipulated by noise which can only happen if I’m in fear; it’s so easy to be in fear these days, don’t you think?

Fight or flight creates an interesting shift in the brain causing us to relate to those who disagree with our viewpoint as the “other”, and there are those who want to manipulate others in order to protect themselves.

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