It’s easy for me to disconnect from my future

“It is so disempowering to our partners,
and those we love, to not know that ‘they have this’.

Jennifer Hough

I want to share with you this week a recent experience with my sweetie about staying connected to others, and what good is that if you are not connected to yourself!

His back has been really hurting him lately, and he is doing so much to ensure he makes his connection to his body, the future he wants, and his guidance.

When he is in pain, it’s easy for me to disconnect from my future, my guidance and my heart because I worry. Which, of course, doesn’t last very long (minutes, in fact) because you know what I know… that it is so disempowering to our partners and those we love to not know “they have this.”

In fact, worrying has the opposite result from the one I desire, which is that he finds his way to healing and health. My worry tells consciousness that I don’t trust his connection, nor does he have his own ability to heal.

So what’s there to do instead? Well, there’s working in the backyard, going for a walk, writing this article, and/or being in forward-facing meetings.

It’s all considered time spent activating my future in the now, and I am excited for what is to come.

I will share that with Adam as well, when he is in receiving mode.

BE a powerful champion of your vibration… face forward… never mind what is going on with another, unless they ask.

In the meantime, KNOW THAT THEY HAVE THIS!!!

With love,



How is it that we can flourish through 2024?

How is it that we can flourish through 2024?

Flourishing through 2024 starts with understanding the laws of physics as they pertain to the intentions of people. Why is this significant and why will some people flourish while others don’t?

What was the theme of 2023 for you personally, and globally, in relationships, purpose and love? As you write down those themes, notice any problems or challenges which may be carried into 2024. Also, look at the themes playing out in the wider world, as they give context to what is yet to be completed.

It’s crucial to look at this, although most people don’t. By investing a little time, you’ll begin to see what’s going to influence the new year as it’s the contrast from the past which becomes the catalyst for what’s to come, helping you determine potential outcomes.

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Stress – it’s actually pretty simple

Stress – it’s actually pretty simple

I have a lot to do, and I wish it was all done … but do I? Don’t I love creating? Did I forget that?

As I took a look at my Tedx talk, my slide deck for Tedx, prepping for the amazing workshop we’re running around completing 2023 and embodying our vision for 2024, seeing my parents, having Christmas with my stepdaughters and with three people in TWA sick right now … ahhhhhhh!

But is it all innately stressful? Or was I just judging the distance between what I could see was possible and what currently exists and that it might not get done? The implications of it not getting done? In reality, we could make our circumstances very dramatic, or step into flow.

Here are the choices if you want to step into flow:

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Happy, Merry Everything to you!

Happy, Merry Everything to you!

This time of year can be so beautiful, yet it can also be challenging. It’s the time for slowing down, creating space and listening for what is coming up. Reach out if you need assistance of any kind, asking for help and unconditional love from others, and from Source.

Give yourself the gift of time and reflection.

When we don’t take the time to slow down to speed up, have important conversations and move through what is necessary in order to feel complete, we’re left with spiritual dissonance sitting in our bodies, ignored and stored as a rift in the system.

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