Giving birth much? Happy New Year…

“Either complain about what you don’t want,
or get clear on what you do and go for it.

Jennifer Hough

Happy New Year!! I am pregnant….but not the way you think.

I spent the weekend of New Years by the light of our fire, together with Adam, examining what I am willing to settle for in my life. These past several years have caused me to examine what is simply not tolerable anymore, either for me in the world or in my life.

Oh, don’t get me wrong; I’m totally in the land of “not knowing,” and nervous about things to come. But for some reason, my resolve is outweighing my nerves in 2022.

One of the things that I am not settling for is the trigger of stress from the past several years, and bringing it into my future. I choose to create my future forward… a future that excites my creativity and activates my heart.

I refuse to contribute to more cortisol in my body; the bringer of inflammation and reactionary thinking for myself and others.

Sorry 2022, you don’t get precious energy in the form of worry, anger or carrying.

Wanna join me?

I will do what I am inspired to do regarding my family, Covid, vaccines, politics and community with my heart in “Yes” mode.

The number “2,” in terms of meaning, can be both about addressing duality, and about harmony in terms of “angel numbers.”

For me, every time one and one get together, there is always a third entity birthed called “the two of us together.” It has its own life. And in this world of polarity and “side-ism,” so many 3rd entities are being birthed. Opportunities for co-creativity and solutions have arisen.

So many of my friends are working on solutions for the environment, education and healthcare. In fact, I got involved in a project involving the prison system early last year.

We are blessed by new possibilities in every direction, on almost every subject.

The choices are clear.

Either we continue arguing for sides, or we engage as the Heaven on Earth Construction Crew toward the solutions.

I tell both my own internal little voice, and others who find themselves polarized, the following words: “I understand that you feel that way, and I’m so sorry for that.”

The Ego quiets when I use those words, and I find myself attracting more actions that contribute to harmony when I can neutralize that little voice in myself or others.

And then the words, “Show me,” come to mind. Just show me Life; what it is that I need to know to live with meaning, fulfillment and the inspiration to wake up energized.

So many of my friends, clients and family have connected with me about feeling an energy shift for 2022, and I feel the same. That doesn’t mean we fall asleep again; it means taking what we’ve learned and applying it to 2022.

It means to wake up and stay awake. Even more so, do stuff that makes your world a better place, and therefore the world a better place.

Your willingness to lean into your life gives permission to so many to do the same. The old polarity doesn’t deserve your energy, except for the clarity it provides.

Are ya with me?

With love,

PS. Can’t wait to share my new book with you. UNSTUCK is a practical guide to making quantum leaps……. Please join us for the release party on February 3rd!! Sign up for notifications HERE

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The key to thriving is…

The key to thriving is…

A key to thriving is remembering that doing this is actually important.

It’s ‘nothing’.

That’s the thing, doing nothing is doing something.I’m sure you’ve sometimes tried to keep pushing through a project when life is showing you the harder and longer you push, the more unproductive things get, right?

I’m so guilty of feeling invincible or, put another way, stubbornly carrying on instead of being present to what life is showing, or sometimes commanding, me to do.

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I always thought that I had to find the right person…

I always thought that I had to find the right person…

I know I’ve shared this before, but I think it’s worth revisiting. Thinking about my journey, I regret none of my previous relationships. Studying the laws of physics has given me so much clarity around my time with dear partners from the past.

I always thought I had to find the right person. Nope. Not about that. They find you. And that is based on a few important shifts in thinking that changed my life.

1. LOVE JUST IS – love is in and through everything, available at all times. There’s nothing to create as, if it really is love, then it’s already unconditional. Love that feels conditional is actually more about acceptance or approval.

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Upgrade at a cellular level

Upgrade at a cellular level

I just finished a powerful 4 days at our Embodiment Workshop and VIP day here in Asheville and my heart is so full from all the shifts and clarity that happened for myself and for all of us collectively and I wanted to share something with you…

When we upgrade at a cellular level, ‘going direct’ with consciousness, we become part of its flow and push to expansion. We remember our natural state – to move forward and out.

Everything happens for us because consciousness works that way.

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