Why some people don’t see movement as much as others…

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

“The Greater the Contrast, the greater the need for Pioneers, Unicorns and Love Beams
to get the skills they need to build the bridges they were born for.”
Jennifer Hough

A story about skiing

One day, a sweet friend and I were on a ski hill in Bozeman, Montana.

What was interesting was that when it got really steep, she seemed to lose control and get really scared. We happened to be on the same hill, because I caught up to her on a particularly steep part, and she was doing big broad turns and then basically falling on her butt in order to stop her forward momentum.

Well, I am not a ski instructor by any means, but I’ve been skiing since I was 3. It did get me thinking though. As I watched her skiing down the hill, I noticed that she was leaning back from her skis.

So here’s the thing about steering downhill in snow. You need traction, and in order to do that, the forward part of your skis needs to have serious contact with the snow……leaning back takes your ski tips off the snow, so you can’t slow down or steer. You have to lean forward, to lean in, to be ‘curious on the adventure’, instead of scared of what might happen, in order to steer!

Not leaning in? Not curious? Then just know that you’ll have a roller coaster interspersed with out of control momentum. So when you’re out of control, people have the tendency to put on the brakes and fall on their butts. And when you do that so many times, it becomes exhausting and life stops being fun.

A few things to glean from this little story:

  • Are you leaning in, or scared and not asking nor practicing the skills that will have you live in total flow? Check-in.
  • You either master the skills to just lean into life and get the most out of this life, or life will constantly seem hard, and the old patterns will keep playing out. New results require advanced skills……the skills to thrive.
  • When you live life in fear, your actions are guided by not getting hurt and the skills you develop are around staying safe. When you want to enjoy the pants out of something, you become GOOD AT IT…….and it just takes practice.
  • Thriving is not for ski racers, it’s just for people that master the skills.
  • Imagine leaning in completely… the skills are available to anyone.

Right now, for instance, I am so proud of Adam (my sweetie), he is taking some powerful programs, and working with a coach (not me because wives should not be coaches…yikes). He is not stopping until he masters what he loves….including life itself. Lots of stuff coming up to leave……and he is transmuting as he goes because he’s curious on the adventure facing forward on solutions.

I remember skiing with Adam, and we both took lessons, because it’s less enjoyable when you don’t master it. Even though I have been skiing for a long time, I still take lessons every time I go. It just gets more fun, because I can do more and Adam looooved to ski way more after that trip.

You can master anything……….your ability to communicate, your ability to flow, your ability to transcend struggling in 3D, your ability to make money, your ability to be fearless and your ability to dive deeply into the glory of love.

Change your operating system, and all of those things can shift.

When you think of it like fixing yourself, we start asking an unproductive question like “When will this be over….when can I just flow?”. That is a question of someone who is just surviving.

But when you understand that the joy of life (indeed the basis of life) is constant change, evolution and creativity…….then all of a sudden struggle disappears……up leveling causes us to be able to dance more, enjoy more, and be fulfilled by more…….as a way of Being.

Survive or Thrive. Either way, we all leave our bodies at some point.

Just saying.

I am super excited that on the 15th of September we are opening up Agents of Awakening for registration……..we had a whole discussion there on this topic……….so juicy……so stay tuned……..

Would love to hear what this brings up for you!?

Hugs……big juicy expansive, ever-evolving hugs (cause it’s more funner).

With love,


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