Things are never as they seem…

“When I return to love of myself and reverence for my life,
everything has an opportunity to change.
Anything can change.​

Jennifer Hough

Things are never as they seem. This picture is not a sunset but the view from Craggy Gardens in Asheville on Saturday night. It’s what the Northern Lights look like from afar down here in the South. So cool.

On Friday, I met with a dear client and friend who has serious PTSD; I have many clients who suffer with this. As there is an underlying sense of a lack of safety, people may bite or be abrupt. This may sometimes tip into what feels like meanness but is a form of self-protection.

Recently, I’ve been celebrating when I notice shifts. One, in particular, I don’t think I’ve ever celebrated or shared with you, so here goes!

This time, instead of engaging, trying to fix things, or trying to make my client feel better, I simply found neutrality. Sometimes I didn’t respond for days, or even weeks, and let it all breathe. I gave it space for higher levels to work it out. As always when there is spaciousness, it all comes back around to love.

Maya Angelou said that when people show you who they are, believe them the first time. I DON’T AGREE.

People who react are scared and that is NOT WHO THEY ARE.

When I return to love of myself and reverence for my life, everything has an opportunity to change. Anything can change. It can for you, too.

Yes, it takes practice and serious discipline at first, because others’ egos always look to poke at you until you engage.

I’ve had so much practice at this, and know it never works to engage at this point. It’s exhausting and that energy is better used in moving forward, creating the freedom we seek.

It doesn’t mean I didn’t have compassion (without carrying), I definitely did.

But, it did mean that I came back to love and only engaged when the opportunity and opening was obvious.

So, having been doing this for a while now, I’m celebrating being a pretty big rockstar around this practice. Mind you, I have to say that Jeannie Selda on our Wide Awakening Team is probably even better at this than me! Thanks, Jeannie!

I’d love to hear how you’re doing in this realm so do please share!

With so much love,



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