The last few days have been intense…

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

“You need a healthy body to live your dreams.
Jennifer Hough

Have you ever felt overwhelmed and just thought, “What the…?” I did yesterday. It seriously doesn’t happen often, so the feeling stood out.

I was detoxing the past few days, but didn’t realize it.

Not only that, I had a day of meetings.

I had to have two big-girl conversations (the kind that I dread) with two people I care about.

Oh, and relationship stuff is always evolving… so there’s that.

Let’s just add a full moon into the mix, and ya, it’s a lot.

Nuff said.

So one of the symptoms of something I call “Low Organ Cushion”, and taxed adrenals, is shortness or grumpiness or reactivity. (Another is bloating, which I also started to feel… that’s always fun when you are already grumpy, right?)

Inside, I could feel it, and generally the people closest to you feel it from you, too. (Thank you so much to Jeannie Selda and Susannah Hansen for making me laugh today and keeping it real… I so love you guys, and appreciate you more than you know.)

Kind friends do not cure reactivity, they just assist you to see the humor of it.

The stuff that actually reverses adrenal and organ overload is something completely different, and I feel so blessed to have a PhD in that department.

What frustrates me is that most people just write the symptoms off to stress or aging. Science shows that you can reverse any or all of these symptoms.

I just feel like, of any time in history, now is the time to take our power back about our healthcare.

We’ve had almost three years of intense overload, and maybe that was already happening for you before. Everyone knows that your mind affects your body… but how do you harness that?

Most people, I have noticed, get confused over which food changes even matter, because we all have our opinions, and it all seems too hard and overwhelming. It’s not!

There are three glands and organs that, if they were your priority, getting old before your time would be a thing of the past; but, nobody measures the numbers that help us know what to do.

And yes, I already did my thing, corrected my course, knew the nutritional stuff to get my energy and mood back, and now I’m headed for a big ole’ bike ride in the mountains to see my neighbor’s donkey (he’s so friggin cute!).

Just know there is hope.

Final thought. Our families, our dreams, our passion and our future need a body that is filled with life and confidence. That is such a priority for me.

I cannot wait to show you how to take your power back, anti-age your brain, and bring back the body you know you can have. Let’s do it together.

See you Monday, June 27th (I cannot recommend this Adrenal Reset workshop enough!)

With love,



The key to thriving is…

The key to thriving is…

A key to thriving is remembering that doing this is actually important.

It’s ‘nothing’.

That’s the thing, doing nothing is doing something.I’m sure you’ve sometimes tried to keep pushing through a project when life is showing you the harder and longer you push, the more unproductive things get, right?

I’m so guilty of feeling invincible or, put another way, stubbornly carrying on instead of being present to what life is showing, or sometimes commanding, me to do.

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I always thought that I had to find the right person…

I always thought that I had to find the right person…

I know I’ve shared this before, but I think it’s worth revisiting. Thinking about my journey, I regret none of my previous relationships. Studying the laws of physics has given me so much clarity around my time with dear partners from the past.

I always thought I had to find the right person. Nope. Not about that. They find you. And that is based on a few important shifts in thinking that changed my life.

1. LOVE JUST IS – love is in and through everything, available at all times. There’s nothing to create as, if it really is love, then it’s already unconditional. Love that feels conditional is actually more about acceptance or approval.

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Upgrade at a cellular level

Upgrade at a cellular level

I just finished a powerful 4 days at our Embodiment Workshop and VIP day here in Asheville and my heart is so full from all the shifts and clarity that happened for myself and for all of us collectively and I wanted to share something with you…

When we upgrade at a cellular level, ‘going direct’ with consciousness, we become part of its flow and push to expansion. We remember our natural state – to move forward and out.

Everything happens for us because consciousness works that way.

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