Holy moly, what a week!

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda


“It’s time to resign as General Manager of the Universe.
There already is one, and he/she/it/they are waiting for your instructions.
That is, unless you want to keep doing it all yourself?

Jennifer Hough

We are in this together, in ways we cannot see. I understand this on a whole new level, as I humbly asked for help from my colleagues, teammates and friends. I tell you, what an exercise in receiving!

If you didn’t know, my new book UNSTUCK reached the #1 International best seller in seven countries and in 96 categories!! What I love, however, is that it continues to be passed on to people. A company actually bought 10 books, in order to support its employees. This (to me) is a total “or better,” and feeds this inner knowing that we can change and expand forward into a different world.

During our release party for UNSTUCK, over 125 beautiful souls from across the globe joined us. You’ll get a copy of that awesome recording once you follow the instructions in the book… It was so fun to read Chapter 1 with everyone, and add my notes.

I asked everyone, “What does the world need more of right now?,” and here are some of the insights they shared from reading the book:

  • Infinite possibilities
  • Peace from within
  • Divine love
  • Self-love and acceptance
  • Connection
  • Love
  • Living from the heart space
  • Compassion
  • Letting love win
  • Tolerance
  • Unification
  • Alignment to our spark
  • Overcoming fear
  • Opening up
  • Embodying who we really are
  • Consciousness cures what ails
  • Neutrality
  • Empathy
  • Willingness to understand another
  • Receiving
  • Common sense
  • Open-hearted listening
  • Communication
  • Heart focus
  • Freedom from fear and judgment
  • Be the solution
  • Peace
  • Awareness
  • Raising our vibration
  • Building bridges
  • Being of service to ourselves and others
  • Staying in the flow
  • Remembering our own emanation of light, and seeing it in everyone
  • We are all one
  • Access to safe spaces
  • Melting from the head to the heart
  • Becoming ourselves to influence the collective
  • Living what we envision
  • Willingness to learn

Breathe in the ENERGY and INTENTION and ACTIVATION of these words. There were a lot of repeats on love, compassion and being in our heart space. ♥

THIS is what’s possible and it’s exactly what UNSTUCK: The Physics of Getting Out of Your Own Way empowers you to experience in your everyday life. Think of it as a practical application of science and spirituality. There’s still time to get your copy.

www.TheWideAwakening.com/UNSTUCK. I so appreciate your jumping in to help shift yourself and to shift the collective. I think it’s time, don’t you?

Adore you as always… so humbled by all your comments and kind words. My heart is full. Thank you.

With love,



Sometimes people have this flawed idea that I have it together …

Sometimes people have this flawed idea that I have it together …

Sometimes people have this flawed idea that I have it together … I certainly tried to!

It was exhausting because I still thought I had to be perfect to be loved.


I was chasing love, or maybe I was confusing love with acceptance. That’s just one major personal shift that happened on my TEDx journey!

If ever there was a time in my life when I saw that perfection is overrated, it was in creating, practicing and delivering my TEDx Talk. My passion for humanity is so much more important than how it looked in the process – what a journey!

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“Fascinating” is definitely a word for these times.

“Fascinating” is definitely a word for these times.

“Fascinating” is definitely a word for these times.

Here’s what’s up my friend.

We’re being sandwiched between a solar eclipse and the alignment of the planets.

By June 3, the planets will be fully aligned – stay tuned, I’ll be announcing an event soon!

In the Northern Hemisphere, we’ve just experienced the greatest solar flare blast in 20 years. The Southern Hemisphere got it, too; but the Aurora Borealis wasn’t visible there.

These are events that affect us both physically AND metaphysically.

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Things are never as they seem…

Things are never as they seem…

Things are never as they seem. This picture is not a sunset but the view from Craggy Gardens in Asheville on Saturday night. It’s what the Northern Lights look like from afar down here in the South. So cool.

On Friday, I met with a dear client and friend who has serious PTSD; I have many clients who suffer with this. As there is an underlying sense of a lack of safety, people may bite or be abrupt. This may sometimes tip into what feels like meanness but is a form of self-protection.

Recently, I’ve been celebrating when I notice shifts. One, in particular, I don’t think I’ve ever celebrated or shared with you, so here goes!

This time, instead of engaging, trying to fix things, or trying to make my client feel better, I simply found neutrality. Sometimes I didn’t respond for days, or even weeks, and let it all breathe. I gave it space for higher levels to work it out. As always when there is spaciousness, it all comes back around to love.

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