Happy, Merry Everything to you!


“It’s the time of year for slowing down,
creating space and listening for what is coming up
and ready to leave.

Jennifer Hough

This time of year can be so beautiful, yet it can also be challenging. It’s the time for slowing down, creating space and listening for what is coming up. Reach out if you need assistance of any kind, asking for help and unconditional love from others, and from Source.

Give yourself the gift of time and reflection.

When we don’t take the time to slow down to speed up, have important conversations and move through what is necessary in order to feel complete, we’re left with spiritual dissonance sitting in our bodies, ignored and stored as a rift in the system.

Use this time of year to:

1. Answer the question: What are you celebrating from the year 2023?
2. Look at patterns that you want to complete around relationships, business and health. Be grateful for clearing the decks.
3. Thank people you love.
4. Have grace for the times you didn’t do your best, and allow yourself clarity on how that can improve next time.
5. Take lots of walks, breathe, journal and be present to the beauty around you, enjoying the spaciousness required to upgrade for the year to come.
6. Most of all celebrate those you love, all you find beautiful and yourself for all of your evolutions and courage.

Celebrating you and celebrating this journey together.

Merry Christmas, Happy Winter Solstice, Happy Chanukah, and warm wishes for all the holidays you celebrate.

With all my love,

With love,



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