Getting back into flow … and what it takes.

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

“It’s more an expansive ride forward, up and out.
I’ve found that the shorter the time I spend
being involved in or fascinated by my emotions,
or my reaction to opinion about what’s going on,
the more quickly I’ll receive answers and solutions.

Jennifer Hough

So often in the past, I’ve let myself become overly excited about the possibilities in my life. Equally, sometimes I have and still do let my mind run away with scary possible futures, or at least they feel scary in the moment. Either way, if I let my emotional reaction run away from me, it takes me out of my presence.

At the moment, I’m looking at my body and health and I feel that my body could be more fit than ever! This could also apply to my business, relationship, money or even my dog! Recently, I’ve caught myself becoming too involved in my emotions about the future, taking me out of the present moment where the redirections, clarity and expansive solutions are.

It used to be extremely hard to get myself back to neutral. I’m so blessed that it’s not really a roller coaster anymore but more an expansive ride forward, up and out. I’ve found that the shorter the time I spend being involved in or fascinated by my emotions, or my reaction to opinion about what’s going on, the more quickly I’ll receive answers and solutions.

This is one of the keys to finding flow; being more interested in experiencing the solution, and finding that neutral space where I’m receptive to the answers that already exist. This is where my path forward becomes clear, regardless of my fears.

It’s hard to do when it comes to your body, because the current status of it (being out of shape in my case) is something that you are living first hand, I’m in my body. When I used to get migraines, it was even harder to find neutrality. And yet, I keep finding home. I have become an even bigger expert at being vigilant and a champion for my vibration, mood, or frequency. The vision I have is being fueled with even more presence and therefore clarity.

So the current state of my body doesn’t matter because I feel so good as I am in my presence. And even this morning, I am witnessing my body coming into alignment in a very short time. What am I really saying?

I love making my mood and general frequency more important than my ‘in the moment’ emotional reactions, whether good or bad. It’s so much more grounding and there’s so much more clarity. I’m really grateful there’s an even deeper level of being grounded in that amount of presence.

One final thing I’m grateful for is that my sweetie doesn’t carry my happiness. Yes, he’s thoughtful, we have good conversations and he contributes to the house but he does it more and more from just caring, instead of carrying, putting me even more in my own power.

Just some thoughts about ending the emotional roller coaster and staying in your flow.

“The issue is not the issue, making it the issue, is the issue.”

With love,



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