A little tree shaking…

“The people in our lives are there either to affirm
what our heart already knows at one level,
or to cause the contrast that would have us gain more clarity
and get curious about our truth.

Jennifer Hough

It’s time to get real about giving your power away,
and others taking it…

I used to be VERY teacher-like (my Mom was a teacher, so I come by it honestly).

I was just used to it; I never questioned being that way. However, I didn’t realize what it cost me, and that was MY POWER.

It put me above people. It looked as though I had it all handled, and I didn’t. As a result, I also attracted people who wanted to give their power away to me.

I first realized this was happening as a client became incredibly dependent on me. I felt my freedom slipping away because their perception was that I had all their answers. I then understood completely that I am not the source of anyone’s truth. Everyone’s heart holds that for them.

The only way through this messy time in humanity is by NOT giving your power away to anyone; not a guru, not a political leader, not a party, not money, not ideology, and certainly not a teacher.

The people in our lives are there either to affirm
what our heart already knows at one level,
or to cause the contrast that would have us gain more clarity
and get curious about our truth.

Your heart is God’s/Creation’s/The Universe’s Megaphone calling you forward.

Listen to others; sure. Take in what they say; of course. Process it to see if it feels expansive or contractive; absolutely. But do not give your power away, believing that if they held one truth for you, that they hold all truths.

People are fallible. They have off days.

Someone pointed out an incongruence in my speaking today, and I totally agreed with them. I AM SURELY not here to be perfect.

I am doing my best. I only know what I know, and the more I know, the more I know how little that is! Which makes me have a sense of humor about myself. It also has me easing up quite a bit about life. At the same time, I am passionate. But now that I know about giving my power away: I do not project my truth on others, as they will find their way in their own time.

I had a client just yesterday who was sad because she knew she had to watch her son go through hard times and some struggle, in order to become who he was. There was really nothing she could do about it but love him. He is taking his power back, even though it doesn’t look pretty.

What would our experience be like if we all followed the megaphone associated with our hearts?

More compassion? A desire to seek to understand others a little more? Listening more? Perhaps finding the things we have in common, so we can negotiate, navigate, and create a situation where all people can be included without fear?

Alas, I know that world seems like a long way off….

Maybe it’s not that far off. Just something to think about today, as the cards of civilization are still in the air. Perhaps we can have something to say about where they land.

I do know that if I take on being this way, and a few billion others do as well, then maybe things shift. I start with me. You start with you.

With great love,



Fear does an interesting thing to our brains

Fear does an interesting thing to our brains

Fear does an interesting thing to our brains.

I was listening to a brilliant podcast a few days ago which my husband reminded me about. Although they didn’t talk about this specifically, it struck me how important it is to understand how our brains work. In understanding this, I’m able to follow my knowing and feel connected to clarity, instead of being manipulated by noise which can only happen if I’m in fear; it’s so easy to be in fear these days, don’t you think?

Fight or flight creates an interesting shift in the brain causing us to relate to those who disagree with our viewpoint as the “other”, and there are those who want to manipulate others in order to protect themselves.

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The key to thriving is…

The key to thriving is…

A key to thriving is remembering that doing this is actually important.

It’s ‘nothing’.

That’s the thing, doing nothing is doing something.I’m sure you’ve sometimes tried to keep pushing through a project when life is showing you the harder and longer you push, the more unproductive things get, right?

I’m so guilty of feeling invincible or, put another way, stubbornly carrying on instead of being present to what life is showing, or sometimes commanding, me to do.

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I always thought that I had to find the right person…

I always thought that I had to find the right person…

I know I’ve shared this before, but I think it’s worth revisiting. Thinking about my journey, I regret none of my previous relationships. Studying the laws of physics has given me so much clarity around my time with dear partners from the past.

I always thought I had to find the right person. Nope. Not about that. They find you. And that is based on a few important shifts in thinking that changed my life.

1. LOVE JUST IS – love is in and through everything, available at all times. There’s nothing to create as, if it really is love, then it’s already unconditional. Love that feels conditional is actually more about acceptance or approval.

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