My Top 10 Books for Spiritual Enlightenment

Does this topic fascinate you? Below is a list of the books that Jennifer recommends as her top 10 books for spiritual enlightenment. Enjoy the expansion! And… be sure to return to this page and leave your comments below.

We’ve included a link to for you to make an easy purchase if you want to read any of these books now. Yes, we do receive a small amount of money for each book purchased – so, thank you so much in advance. It all goes towards supporting

(1) A New Earth, Eckart Tolle:
Tired of relating to people through pre-constructed roles? Tired of being unhappy and then using that unhappiness as your primarily raison d’etre? Do you wish that underneath your substantial ego was a strong sense of self-knowledge and self-worth? Do you compulsively reiterate your misery tale to yourself and everyone else? Are you a human being?? It’s a wonderful book.
Purchase A New Earth >>

(2) Savor, Thich Nhat Hanh:
I read this recent Oprah interview with the Zen Buddhist master and before that I was ignorant of Thich Nhat Hanh’s existence. I was totally taken with him. Say what you will about religion in general, but I’ve always been fascinated in Eastern philosophy. This man’s positive energy can practically be felt just by reading the interview. I’m excited to get my hands on Savor, his recent book about mindful eating.
Purchase Savor >>

(3) Discover The Power Within You, Eric Butterworth:
This is one of Oprah’s favorites (good old Oprah!) and I’m partial to it, too. Like Tolle, it’s about discovering the abundance within you and finding your true self, without any ego attached.
Purchase Discover the Power Within You >>

(4) The Authenticity Hoax, Andrew Potter:
Do you think that being “extra authentic” (i.e. eating organic,  using non-toxic paint and staying at an eco-resort, buying bamboo flooring,) will cure all that ills you? This book will change your mind. Potter argues that our desire for authenticity is what makes us unhappy in the first place. Potter is out to score points against lefties but his hypothesis sure contains food for thought, according to May’s issue of The Walrus.
Purchase The Authenticity Hoax >>

(5) Solitude, Robert Kull:
I don’t know about you but my back up plan is still to be a cave-dwelling Zen master (or at least booking one of these silent retreats listed in Toronto Life.) Patagonia calls to me for that reason! I love to seeking wisdom in extremes, so one year alone in the Patagonia Wilderness is highly attractive. The subject of the story is an amputee, and he manages to live off and island not too far from Chile for an entire year! Amazingly powerful!
Purchase Solitude >>

(6) The Biology of Beliefs, Bruce Lipton:
One of the best books on how the mind affects the genetics that I have ever read.…..If the topic sounds fascinating, I also highly recommend his DVD even more.
Purchase The Biology of Beliefs >>
Purchase the Biology of Beliefs DVD >>

(7) Power Vs. Force, David Hawkins:
If you’ve not read it yet, read it. It’s about time. Pun intended.
Purchase Power Vs. Force >>

(8) The 4 Agreements: Don Miguel Ruiz:
A beautiful metaphor for what we are going through right now and sheer genius. Remember to interpret his idea of integrity as integrity to your heart…….it’s an upgrade on what he says…..have your words be in integrity with your heart…..that way integrity to your word will be inevitable. I am endlessly grateful for having read this book.
Purchase the 4 Agreements >>

(9) The Knight in Rusty Armour, Robert Fisher:
Seriously, this book is hilarious………poignant and another solid book of sheer genius. You can read it in one night, and be so happy you did. You can order a copy from us, here, at It’s inexpensive, super easy to read and will have you crying and laughing all together.
Purchase The Knight in Rusty Armour >>

(10) Eat Pray Love, Elizabeth Gilbert:
There’s a reason this book profoundly impacted people all over the planet. Great book, great movie.
Purchase Eat Pray Love >>

Oh, what the heck! I can’t keep it to just 10 – here are 3 more books of Spiritual Enlightenment that I love!

(11) Illusions, Richard Bach:
This book is one of my all-time favorites that I reach for again, and again.
Purchase Illusions >>

(12) Proof of Heaven, Eben Alexander
This book is a combination of  a scientific look at our brain, an expansive experience of copiousness, combined with a powerful story, told by a neurosurgeon.
Purchase Proof of Heaven >>

(13) Countdown to Coherence, Hazel Courtney
One of the most comprehensive looks at consciousness there is. Hazel is a brilliant interviewer and one of the most wonderful channels I know. Make sure you read this must have book.
Purchase Countdown to Coherence >>




What if all the beliefs that you adhere to aren’t even yours?

What if all the beliefs that you adhere to aren’t even yours?

Something happened this week that was such a great reminder to remain humble, and know that we are all human. It also reminded me that we are all human and any beliefs that anyone is better than you or I, are simply old beliefs.

This week I was on a beautiful cheer-fest for Money and You with my dear friend Doria Cordova with well-known thought leaders from all over the world. It was a privilege to be included.

The leaders that have taken Money and You are all incredibly humble and so smart…..and you probably know their names; Jack Canfield, Ken Honda just to name a few.

And, there was a leader who was there that behaved a little differently than the others. He also did not exude the humility of the rest. And I realized that he had stuck beliefs and was being righteous, and that I had beliefs about how he should be.

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Why is the paradigm for prosperity shifting?

Why is the paradigm for prosperity shifting?

The paradigm for prosperity is shifting and the laws of physics give me great hope, here’s why!

Most of us aren’t present to the shifts happening around us because we’re so distracted by the noise.

Globally, wars, political differences, media streaming, fear-based rhetoric, and divisive communications create polarity. Simultaneously, that polarity and struggle is birthing ideas being acted upon by the younger generation as it sits in the ‘dark matter’ of consciousness, waiting in the sub-atomic spaces to be birthed!

Metaphysically speaking, for every problem there is already an existing solution as it’s part of how the Universe stays in balance.

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Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Well, you might be surprised to hear me say absolutely not.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about deliberately forcing ourselves to do things that feel awful.

It’s just that I hear so many people saying… “only do it if it feels good”.

Here’s the issue with that:

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