What does the science say?

“If you understand the paradigm of how life works more deeply
from a science-based practical approach and can have it
make sense to your logical brain, you won’t be able to entertain
beliefs or thoughts that support your life of struggle.

Jennifer Hough

The laws of physics say that what you make important to you through your actions, words, and deeds will continue to show itself in your life.

Suppose the paradigm in which you are living your entire life is based on a flawed or incongruent fear-based collection of beliefs, or a paradigm.

In that case, it will influence every event, person, thought, and interaction that you encounter.

You walk around with that perspective in your DNA. Consciousness loves you; you are an ocean in the drop of consciousness (thank you, Rumi). Thoughts are simply the result of the beliefs you hold, which ultimately reflect the paradigms that you live by.

If you understand the paradigm of how life works more deeply from a science-based practical approach and can have it make sense to your logical brain, you won’t be able to entertain beliefs or thoughts that support your life of struggle.

It’s a frustrating time to be alive if you look at the polarity in our lives, much of which currently is being caused by the polarity in the world. We don’t feel very together.

In not feeling together, it can start to feel a bit hopeless.

One important scientific principle of shifting our lives, and therefore the world, is spin and fractals …

I’ll let you just integrate with that through the week. In next week’s Wide Awakening Weekly email, I’ll share the next part of this of this excerpt with you from my recent book UNSTUCK – The Physics Of Getting Out Of Your Own Way.

Until then with all my love,




Embracing the Unknown: Your Pathway to Limitless Possibilities

Embracing the Unknown: Your Pathway to Limitless Possibilities

Discover how to tap into metaphysical solutions to overcome the brain’s limitations and unlock non-linear results for your business and life. Read this blog to learn the laws of Applied Physics that will help you get out of your own way and find the path of least struggle.

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