What do you really know to be true?

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

“We have access to everything we need … everything, at all times, no exceptions. Almost every dis-ease of the heart, mind or body is transcendable because if you can have a problem, you can receive whatever answer and freedom from that problem you wish. The laws of physics just are what they are.
Jennifer Hough

Years ago I asked “How can I stop having migraines?” when I was in the middle of one of the worst ones ever! It wasn’t going away, it was stubborn, like I am/was. I don’t mind being stubborn when it comes to what makes me feel expansive but it’s so ineffective when it comes to holding onto patterns that make us feel safe. But I digress.

When I said the two words that have saved my life many times, “Show Me”,
I knew that I would have to put the pain far away from my consciousness,
so I could listen to the wisdom that transcends reason.
So I just did.
I let my body experience pain while my consciousness simply went beyond this dimension.

Everyone can do it, it’s just that most people forget in the moment that they can.

Recently, I’ve had to do exactly the same thing during some trying times with my husband’s health. Except now it’s about transcending his pain, and my carrying of his pain. What I got shown in every case, is this.

We have access to everything we need … everything, at all times, no exceptions. Almost every dis-ease of the heart, mind or body is transcendable because if you can have a problem, you can receive whatever answer and freedom from that problem you wish. The laws of physics just are what they are.

It takes discipline to maintain a frequency to receive solutions when the issues are right in your face.

Boy am I getting practice, and watching the miracles unfold. I’ll share some great stories, when I’m ready, for now it still needs to be held close. In the meantime, we are all in this world together so I thought I would share a little with you.

Consistency of frequency is mastery. It is literally what I am giving you to experience in Embodiment, little by little, over the next several years.

I am most certainly being given the opportunity to jump a few spirals. There is never anything wrong, and it would be so easy to think of things that way. I am most certainly not putting icing on a mudpie. I understand with clarity, this world, my life, all that surrounds me. I feel blessed, there are some big catalysts and I get to master neutrality in all situations and the ability to go direct and do what presents without judgment.

I’ve never had a more important opportunity.

What are you going through that is giving you the opportunity to lead yourself, or others?
Are you being a victim?
Do you need to ask for help?
Are you enrolling others in complaining about the past, or the future that is before you?

I love you. I love me.

Can’t wait to hear what’s up for you!

With love,



I spent a good portion of my childhood trying to be enough.

I spent a good portion of my childhood trying to be enough.

Worthiness. I spent a good portion of my childhood trying to be enough.

How about you?

Every time you seek to prove your worth, you are coming from a place that presumes that you’re somehow lacking.

You were literally an etheric metaphysical being, who poured into a body in perfect timing. You are a meat suit flying through space at 55,000 miles per hour while miraculously housing a soul and spirit. You witness sunsets, mountain tops, births, deaths. You breathe the air that trillions of trees breathe out just for you!

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Fears and freedom

Fears and freedom

The other morning, as I was pulling out an old plant that took up a lot of room and was on its way out, I heard the bell from the Baptist church down the road, at the same time as I caught a glimpse of the peonies I was planting to replace the old bush.

I love peonies. They remind me of Canada and my front yard. They take me to an emotional home place. That’s why I’m planting them. I keep imagining seeing the peonies while I’m sitting on my front porch.

At the gathering place down the road, the minister is impassioned and talks very loudly. Sometimes, he’s incredibly inspiring and I just stand outside on the road and listen, while at others when he talks about the challenging aspects of humanity, there’s fear within the church. I speak at many churches, so this isn’t about making church wrong, but rather the idea that most of humanity spends time finger-pointing.

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My heart is so full of blessings…

My heart is so full of blessings…

After a rich and vibrant time in the Embodiment Workshop in Asheville, my heart is so full of blessings.

I’m so grateful for the participants, the TWA Team, and so incredibly blessed to have opulence everywhere around me in my garden. Not only for the lettuce, but the seeds for new lettuce. It’s truly overflowing …

I’m grateful for all the shifts and clarity that happened for both myself, and collectively, and wanted to share something with you…

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