The sense of meaning that awaits you…

“Resistance is futile. The simple truth is that the world,
your essence, those that have lived before you, and
the Universe asked for you during this time of great change.

Jennifer Hough

If youre going to argue with the fundamental truth that you are here because you have something to contribute and create in this world, then there will be a ton of resistance to who you are pretending to be.

However, if youre willing to go on the adventure of discovering who you really are and the sense of meaning that awaits you, youre going to find yourself subconsciously relinquishing a lot of resistance and subject to a lot less headwind.

If you knew, in your heart and to the tips of your toes, that you were a piece of the puzzle of Heaven on Earth, you’d be relentless about acting on possibilities too!

If the Universe wanted to put together a Heaven on Earth Construction Crew, wouldn’t it be composed of people who thought differently from anyone else? Wouldn’t it be natural that other people would judge them negatively for not fitting in? At some point, wouldn’t they start connecting with others just like them? Wouldn’t they be finding the books, leaders, and the teachers who would encourage and embolden them? And since their work consisted of living on a planet with the density that constantly opposes them, wouldn’t it be necessary to remind them, from time to time, that they’re all pieces of the puzzle of Heaven on Earth?

Well, I’m reminding you.

Maybe you thought your job was to shake people’s trees. Maybe you stopped shaking trees and withdrew because you got judged. Maybe you change yourself for others. Maybe you’ve done that your whole life and just realized it now. Maybe you’ve shaken the tree so much sometimes that afterward, you feel like you need to get away by yourself, push the reset button and reintegrate yourself.

I kind of like shaking trees when it seems called for. Leaning into Life means that you will shake trees, even if you aren’t trying to. If you are in someone’s life that is challenged by you being you, remember that everything operates on magnetics. They asked for you. Don’t resist; just stay curious.

If youre reading this, you were likely born to follow your heart’s calling, or else your heart wouldn’t have called to read it. Resistance is futile. The simple truth is that the world, your essence, those that have lived before you, and the Universe asked for you during this time of great change.

With all my love,



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