
I’m at Wholefoods writing this. The house, and my office pull on me too much. I’m prone to carrying my husband, although I mostly gave that up for lent! (I’m not Catholic, but you know what I mean).

Why take time away? Why move venues for a while? Why break from your focus?

Here’s my experience with thousands of clients, but more importantly myself.

The statistics support much of what I am about to share:

1. Changing venues leaves space for creativity. New environment, new ideas.

2. Taking a break and not going TOO FAR down a wormhole allows for wider perspectives denied when totally concentrating on that single track.

3. Being pulled by your routine, things that you might find ‘easier’, things that might get you more immediate results definitely happens in a home office, or even in a normal office setting. If you’re committed to creating something of value, change the energy around you, perhaps visiting a coffee shop with art hanging on the walls and a calming space, or maybe somewhere with a real buzz, depending what you’re doing. The results can be amazing!

4. Physically, the body needs to move. Movement equals oxygen, and oxygen equals clearer thinking.

5. Have some boundaries with the ones you love about when they can come into your office; no yelling through the door, coming in when the door is closed, etc.

6. Have guidelines for yourself, too, around how long you’ll be inside working before going outside. Lack of vitamin D from sunlight affects sleep, bones and immunity and may seriously impact health and mood – did you know that?

I love changing venues. I love going clothes shopping even if I don’t buy anything. I love going to the forest or playing with the dog.

I always bring a voice recorder cause that’s when the best ideas come in!

I call this SLOWING DOWN TO SPEED UP and I love using this with visionary leaders because even if they do it for a week, life changes and productivity is amplified.

And I gotta live what I teach. So here I am, being totally energized and connecting with you.

With deep love,



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