Resilience for me is a form of ‘getting by’…

Picture Credits – Ziga Radsel / Unsplash

“Thrive through the entire journey.
Why simply aim for resilience?

Jennifer Hough

For me, resilience is a good start but if I stayed with that as my ultimate goal, it’d feel like a booby prize.

It’s not my ultimate goal.

In a constantly changing world the key, for me, is to thoroughly enjoy this journey.

It’s thriving through the change.

I do this by answering the question: “What is the greatest thing I can do, with my skills, that would have me waking up inspired, and going to bed at night satisfied?”.

I wanted to share with you some steps I practice so that, if you choose to do them, you’ll stay in flow, too:

  1. SEEK THIS FIRST: Be curious, and seek to understand.

  2. YOUR PERSONAL BOARD OF ADVISORS: Find mentors and programs where you’ll learn skills to thrive in both work and play.
  3. EVERYTHING CHANGES: If you don’t absolutely lean into life with this assumption, then you’ll always be in resistance to evolutions which are inevitable.
  4. STAY ON THE LEADING EDGE: Learn new leadership skills, go to trainings that are outside of the box.
  5. STRIVE TO LOVE AND ENJOY CHANGE: Rather than simply being resilient, find ways to enjoy an ever-changing life.

I’d love you to share your thoughts on this with me.

With love,



I’ve been feeling “funny” lately…

I’ve been feeling “funny” lately…

I’ve been feeling funny lately… how about you?

Interestingly, many sensitive individuals I know, and even some who don’t consider themselves sensitive, have shared with me that they’ve been feeling a bit off lately. It’s like there’s something in the air, but they can’t quite identify it. This isn’t the first time I’ve felt this way; I also experienced it after the big solar eclipse in April.

Often, the things that affect me aren’t as obvious as arguments with my partner or the neighbor cutting down trees. Consider that the changes in our world, the wars, conspiracy theories, and the pervasive fear create an environment of unrest. Even if you didn’t watch the debate in the United States, and even if politics isn’t your concern, I assure you, it’s impacting the collective human environment.

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I spent a good portion of my childhood trying to be enough.

I spent a good portion of my childhood trying to be enough.

Worthiness. I spent a good portion of my childhood trying to be enough.

How about you?

Every time you seek to prove your worth, you are coming from a place that presumes that you’re somehow lacking.

You were literally an etheric metaphysical being, who poured into a body in perfect timing. You are a meat suit flying through space at 55,000 miles per hour while miraculously housing a soul and spirit. You witness sunsets, mountain tops, births, deaths. You breathe the air that trillions of trees breathe out just for you!

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