One word… Change!

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

“When I come back to who I am, why I am here,
and truly honor my courage and heart’s calling,
I know that all is well in the much greater sense.

Jennifer Hough

I thought that I was actually pretty good with moving through change, but the other night I realized that maybe I’m not as good at change as I thought. Big and new ideas are coming forward; my heart’s calling is LOUD.

The following morning, yet another big change happened, and I found myself both looking forward and transmuting the energy of the “shoulda, coulda, wouldas” at the same time. When that happens, I need space for it all to process so that I don’t force myself out of the unfamiliarity too fast. I mean, it’s the one constant, so wanting things to stand still is a surefire way to go backward, given that life is always expanding forward. I just know that everything right now is speeding up. Incongruent processes, relationships and projects are being rewired, or let go at a pace greater than ever before.

Do you have a personal operating system that allows you to flow through it all, and experience results that feel expansive?

I am constantly upgrading the way I plug into change, and even that is another constant change. LOL! I didn’t realize how important that was until recently. Especially right now in our history. Sometimes things need to break apart to come back together.

People leave.
Relationships change.
The tree gets shaken.

I, for one, don’t particularly love that experience (or at least my personality doesn’t), and I also know that it’s all happening for me and for all concerned. Ya, I get to learn stuff. Ya, I am not perfect. Ya, I get to have grace when I blame myself, or wish I had done things better… blah, blah, blah. It still sucks sometimes. Then at some point, it doesn’t suck anymore, and I get to experience the world that opens up because of the change.

A while back, I remember a project taking a serious left turn, but the results were so incredible, I was humbled. Somebody stepped up and just gave of their creative energy. I had to just receive and say “thank you.” Most importantly, that’s when I really, really, really started to fall in love with the unknown. I think that is the key ingredient for me in thriving forward: Having a love affair with the glorious unknown.

I just feel like every aspect of life is up for an upgrade lately, don’t you? It’s certainly happening for me personally, and in my business. It feels like my life is just a microcosm of the greater macrocosm of the world right now.

When I come back to who I am, why I am here, and truly honor my courage and heart’s calling, I know that all is well in the much greater sense.

Big love,



Fears and freedom

Fears and freedom

The other morning, as I was pulling out an old plant that took up a lot of room and was on its way out, I heard the bell from the Baptist church down the road, at the same time as I caught a glimpse of the peonies I was planting to replace the old bush.

I love peonies. They remind me of Canada and my front yard. They take me to an emotional home place. That’s why I’m planting them. I keep imagining seeing the peonies while I’m sitting on my front porch.

At the gathering place down the road, the minister is impassioned and talks very loudly. Sometimes, he’s incredibly inspiring and I just stand outside on the road and listen, while at others when he talks about the challenging aspects of humanity, there’s fear within the church. I speak at many churches, so this isn’t about making church wrong, but rather the idea that most of humanity spends time finger-pointing.

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My heart is so full of blessings…

My heart is so full of blessings…

After a rich and vibrant time in the Embodiment Workshop in Asheville, my heart is so full of blessings.

I’m so grateful for the participants, the TWA Team, and so incredibly blessed to have opulence everywhere around me in my garden. Not only for the lettuce, but the seeds for new lettuce. It’s truly overflowing …

I’m grateful for all the shifts and clarity that happened for both myself, and collectively, and wanted to share something with you…

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Resilience for me is a form of ‘getting by’…

Resilience for me is a form of ‘getting by’…

For me, resilience is a good start but if I stayed with that as my ultimate goal, it’d feel like a booby prize.

It’s not my ultimate goal.

In a constantly changing world the key, for me, is to thoroughly enjoy this journey.

It’s thriving through the change.

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