Innate Abilities: The End of Judgment, the Beginning of Understanding

What are the 24 Innate Abilities Skills?


Before you make sweeping judgments about life, yourself, or anyone else, based on what you think you know, maybe it would be good to understand the following:

Physicists have determined that 96 percent of the known Universe is an energy that we have no way to measure, nor do we know what it is. They have a name for it—“dark matter”—because it is not understood. What do you call dark, because it is not understood?

Less than 1 percent of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible to the human eye.

Animals without conical eyes (such as we have) cannot see rainbows. For them, rainbows don’t even exist. What don’t we see that is there?

Do you create a rainbow simply by the way your eyes interpret the frequencies of light?

Ninety percent of the cells in your body carry their own microbial DNA and are not ‘of your body’……..yet they affect so many processes, including digestion, information exchange, and the physiological functions that create your mood.

None of the atoms in your body are the ones you were born with.

99.9999999999999 percent of what comprises your 3D body is actually the space between the atoms, electrons, nuclei and protons. The rest—that 0.0000000000001 percent—is actually matter….and that is a very tiny amount. For all intents and purposes, you are made up of pure potential, exponentially more than matter!

Human beings have 4X4X4, or 64, possible pairings of their DNA proteins and use only 20.

We don’t know what 98 percent of DNA does. We only know (to the best of our ability) what 2 percent of it does. What we can’t explain, we call junk. Hmmmm. Why would Infinite Wisdom have put it there?

Our human genetics are only 0.4 percent different than a monkey’s, and each of us has two fewer chromosomes than a potato.

You actually do use 100 percent of your brain, just not all at once. No, you do not use only 10 percent; that is a myth.

However, you have 75-100 trillion telomeres in your body, and of all the activity that goes back and forth through those telomeres, a maximum of 15 percent of it is measurable in 3D. The rest of the exchanges are not happening in 3D. Don’t you want to know why you have one mouth, 2 ears, and yet 75 trillion telomeres? What’s communicating with you beyond 3D, and why are telomeres so abundant in the body?

What if science did not argue with the theory of God’s existence? What if everything is in and of Creation? What if the more you study, the more miraculous it all becomes? The more you study, the more the mind is at peace and the more you can play with on this Heavenly planet?

What if you have Innate Abilities that are related to junk DNA, telomeres, the electromagnetic spectrum, and grey-matter brain development? What if we could explain such things as intuition, time’s seeming ability to bend or stand still, wakened dreams, Divine Guidance and so much more? What if you are so much more than what you can see?

If you’d like to understand your Human Innate Abilities—the mystery of our gifts and how they happen—watch this video.

Embody Your Innate Abilities, 2014! Five classes over two months, with Jennifer Hough. It’s not too late to join. We will bring you up-to-date. Get the recordings and links when you register, then go ahead and begin!


Stay with me on this…

Stay with me on this…

‘Or betters’ present frequently when we simply remember ourselves as the embodied intention of everything we’ve ever lived in any life. They manifest when we remember our free will to choose, realizing our trajectory is the result of every past life, every desire, and every prayer you have ever prayed.

‘Or betters’ happen when you live like control is overrated. Understanding the resources of the omnipotent and omniscient Creation will deliver for you so far beyond anything your lovely (please don’t hate me) pea brain can intend is key. Your brain only accesses your history, the programs you learnt in school and paradigms you’ve created through the years, and who wants to ‘rinse and repeat’ that again?

Your greater Wisdom is constantly dancing with the trajectory you are on. You’re a living intention, without ever needing to use your brain to intend. Infinite Wisdom is in a dance with you, responding to your every thought and, perhaps ever more, to your actions. It’s responding to your life’s purpose. The thing is, you can’t mentally intend your way to an awesome life.

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My two favorite words…

My two favorite words…

When our actions resonate with our purpose and we’re aligned with the Universe’s potential for us, it’s such an expansive feeling.

The feeling of expansiveness validates you are in flow.

The alignment with greater wisdom is translated through our body as feelings of ‘woo hoo’, ‘yes!’, goosebumps, or fun! It’s confirmation that we’re acting and thinking in line with our ‘highest and best’ life, using our skills and personality, creating in the most aligned way.

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Being Happy 101

Being Happy 101

Being Happy 101 – With the next Flight School (our nine-month program) about to start, I’m aware of some pretty powerful insights about my own life, ten of them in fact!

One: Reacting to circumstances definitely leads to drama. Drama always takes me out of my knowing, distracting me from my connection with Innate Wisdom.

Two: My happiness absolutely cannot come from circumstances changing. My happiness must be accessible, regardless of circumstances. It cannot be dependent on how the world is, how the people in my life behave, or an expectation that everything should be perfect. Everything is becoming which, by definition, means it isn’t perfect.

Three: It’s not my job to carry the weight of the world. My job is to show up in love and compassion. It’s not my job to make other people happy but rather to learn to be grounded in my heart. It’s not my job to protect my heart but to emanate from the heart.

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