I’m so over it!

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

“As each drop in the ocean changes,
the ocean itself also changes.
Jennifer Hough

I have goosies almost every morning when I wake up now. I have for all of January. I’m also watching myself feeling a little vulnerable, as the time to let this book-baby see the light of day approaches. It is a piece of me now.

I thought to myself yesterday morning, “How can I maximize the power of the book for our peeps and their friends?” Why? Because I am so impassioned by the knowledge that we can create flow, community, compassion, and evolution in the way civilization interacts, and how we treat each other and ourselves. I feel called. And the journey of embodying heavenly flow on Earth starts with us individually. As each drop in the ocean changes, the ocean itself also changes. Know what I mean?

Remember, in order to catalyze creativity, there will always be some contrast. Creativity can also come through inspiration from another, or from your greater wisdom. All of it is good and necessary. So, please don’t think that I am talking about ending contrast. It is part of the fabric of our existence. However, I am talking about transcending the need to judge contrast, give our power away to others, or give our power away to some perfectionistic ideal for ourselves that ends in self-judgment.

It’s time for those called by their hearts to come out of hiding, and stop waiting for someone else to make it better. It’s time to stop pointing fingers. Let’s just make life better.

With love,

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