Have you been feeling overwhelmed lately?

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

“I am so impassioned by the knowledge that we can
create flow, community, compassion, and evolution
in the way civilization interacts, and
how we treat each other and ourselves.

Jennifer Hough

Have you noticed at times that it can be so easy to get overwhelmed when the environment of the world at large is shifting so quickly? So much contrast and intensity! I’ve often felt it myself, and I still do what I need to, to stay grounded.

I go for two walks per day, instead of one. Playing with the dog always helps me ground. And I often just phone someone I love to talk with, about something that we share.

It’s still such a powerful time to become a master of dancing with Infinite Wisdom directly, because so much wisdom is asked of us. Quantum leaps can be made as we develop the muscle of the ability to stay in our hearts, and therefore stay in “the flow.” ⁠

As each drop in the ocean changes, the ocean itself also changes. Just by doing what it takes to find peace inside oneself, and to be catalyzed to creativity instantly, affects the whole of humanity. I am so impassioned by the knowledge that we can create flow, community, compassion, and evolution in the way civilization interacts, and how we treat each other and ourselves.

I feel called. And the journey of embodying heavenly flow on Earth starts with each of us individually.

I’m watching myself, often feeling a little vulnerable, as my book, UNSTUCK, is out in the world now. It still is for me all about the idea that not only are we drops in the ocean, but we are the ocean in a drop… and being stuck is so shiftable, individually and in humanity.

Grateful for this journey together.

Big love,



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