Does anything really die?

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

I am fully aware that we’re made of the atoms of the dead seas, and the Sahara sands that flew from Africa, and the oak trees like this one that eventually turned to dust. They’re physically within us in molecular form.

About a month ago, we had to cut down what was once a beautiful oak tree. The amount of fun Mighty Mouse is having on top of the wood pile reminds me of how much I used to delight in that oak tree as well, his delight is simply in a different form from mine.

I’ve noticed recently how many friends have family who are making their transition and they’re just in a different form too. They’re just as whole and just as abundant now as they were when they had physical form.

Are we willing to connect with them in their new form? The tools are there.

If Mouse can find a way to connect to my oak tree friend in its new form … then it is possible.

I talk to so-called ‘dead’ people all the time and they’re certainly very alive to me!

Just a comforting thought for today.

With love,



Embracing the Unknown: Your Pathway to Limitless Possibilities

Embracing the Unknown: Your Pathway to Limitless Possibilities

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