Choose. Which way do you live?

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

Living fulfilled is not dependent on circumstances,
it is dependent on a willingness to act forward from vision
rather than backwards towards sameness.”

Jennifer Hough

Today, I wanted to share a wonderfully activating experience.

Have you ever felt as though youre on the precipice of what’s next? Like life is calling? Like there is no going back?

When my life started to look like it wasn’t headed in the direction of my vision, I started to panic. It was only my personality doing the panicking because, inside, I knew that life’s incongruencies were asking me to step up and become more. I felt inspired to head over to a nearby lake.

My mind was racing around a million worries, not least of which was the question of whether my husband would walk again? Added to that was the running of the business and keeping the house in flow, all while my family was in a health crisis.

When I’m scattered like that my body gets tense and my mind wanders away from clarity and the usual focus I have on the future I’m inspired to create.

The instant I feel that way, I follow a system which supports honoring my feelings while moving my frequency to a more optimal place. Nature does that for me.

That’s why I went to Lake Louise in Asheville. I bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun and found a tranquil spot to sit and surrender to the moment.

Instead of letting my mind race, I breathed deeply and, as I found some spaciousness in my mind, a thought emerged: “Ask the water what it has to say.” So I did. The message from the water was of constant change, just like the molecules that flow into the lake through local streams and leave through the waterfall a hundred feet from me. Nothing stays the same, everything flows.

Curious, I turned my attention to a nearby tree and it, too, was ready to impart an insight or two. Trees take in carbon dioxide and effortlessly produce oxygen which I deeply breathed in once again. Change is not only about flowing but also about shape-shifting to support the system in thriving.

I turned my face towards the sun as it was going down over the mountains, yet still sparkling on the lake. It is literally the infinite source of energy that rises each morning. It’s all right here without our needing to ask.

And finally the wind. It was strong that day, relentless, unapologetically blowing the trees and creating waves on the lake. I observed how the trees swayed, bent and danced, adapting effortlessly, never attempting to control the wind’s force. Rarely do they break, except in the face of an overwhelming hurricane.

Such is life. It happens. It flows. It moves through us. It alchemizes the old, and reveals new opportunities. We have all we need. We do not need to break, but simply test the edge of our access to resources, discovering that those resources are always in abundance.

A deep calm came upon me. I understood that everything required to not only cope, but thrive through the challenges facing me, was already present. I’m composed of the same molecules as nature itself. Transformation is inherent within me, just as it is in the world around me. It became clear I didn’t need to strive for answers or solutions. My mind was at peace within moments.

Instead, I remembered that whatever was necessary would reveal itself in due time.

We’re made of the same stuff as the rivers, trees, sun, and wind. The dance of constant change and transformation is encoded within our very being.

We knew this at birth and we came to experience these evolutions. As a result, we’ll become even more capable of leading, thriving and flourishing through anything, with energy to spare!

I went home, back in my heart, with deep clarity and, although still on the precipice of change, I’m embracing it.

It’s necessary. There’s no fear, just curiosity because I know everything I need will come.

I felt inspired to share this with you and I’m inviting you to take a moment today to tune into your nature. Remember, change isn’t something to fear because, as a creator, everything comes to you.

Thought this might help.

With all my love,,



The key to thriving is…

The key to thriving is…

A key to thriving is remembering that doing this is actually important.

It’s ‘nothing’.

That’s the thing, doing nothing is doing something.I’m sure you’ve sometimes tried to keep pushing through a project when life is showing you the harder and longer you push, the more unproductive things get, right?

I’m so guilty of feeling invincible or, put another way, stubbornly carrying on instead of being present to what life is showing, or sometimes commanding, me to do.

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I always thought that I had to find the right person…

I always thought that I had to find the right person…

I know I’ve shared this before, but I think it’s worth revisiting. Thinking about my journey, I regret none of my previous relationships. Studying the laws of physics has given me so much clarity around my time with dear partners from the past.

I always thought I had to find the right person. Nope. Not about that. They find you. And that is based on a few important shifts in thinking that changed my life.

1. LOVE JUST IS – love is in and through everything, available at all times. There’s nothing to create as, if it really is love, then it’s already unconditional. Love that feels conditional is actually more about acceptance or approval.

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Upgrade at a cellular level

Upgrade at a cellular level

I just finished a powerful 4 days at our Embodiment Workshop and VIP day here in Asheville and my heart is so full from all the shifts and clarity that happened for myself and for all of us collectively and I wanted to share something with you…

When we upgrade at a cellular level, ‘going direct’ with consciousness, we become part of its flow and push to expansion. We remember our natural state – to move forward and out.

Everything happens for us because consciousness works that way.

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