Are you interested in receiving those ‘OR BETTER’S’?

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

“Receptivity breaks are an opportunity to change your frequency channel. To receive, you must have an understanding that you are being given to at the rate of trillions of cells at a time and that it is all happening for you.
Jennifer Hough

The TWA Team and I thought it would be a good idea to share this excerpt from Chapter 2 of UNSTUCK with you again… as we ourselves are practicing spaciousness having just been immersed in The Embodiment Workshop this past weekend.

“If you are too busy, you will not be present enough to do what life is presenting you; you won’t even see it. Receptivity breaks happen when you go and do something fun or uplifting for absolutely no reason. You are telling consciousness that you are interested in receiving those ‘OR BETTER’S’ because your frequency is high, and you have relinquished control, so the door is open. Raising your frequency of emotion is like changing the channel on your TV. What you receive is entirely dependent on the channel to which you tune your emotions.

Receptivity breaks are an opportunity to change your frequency channel. To receive, you must have an understanding that you are being given to at the rate of trillions of cells at a time and that it is all happening for you.

You also need vigilance for the direction and good stuff that life is sending you, rather than vigilance for protecting or proving yourself; if you are too independent, you will miss all of the opportunities for co-creation and contribution. These opportunities that present themselves are often nonlinear and a little irrational to the left brain. But when you leave consistent, intermittent space in your schedule, you can create receptivity breaks…

Be willing to dance with whatever life brings you by saying yes. That requires being curious about the adventure, which you actually have been on before. You did all of this when you were two years old…

Stay curious like a Cosmic Three-Year-Old.

With all my love,



Sometimes people have this flawed idea that I have it together …

Sometimes people have this flawed idea that I have it together …

Sometimes people have this flawed idea that I have it together … I certainly tried to!

It was exhausting because I still thought I had to be perfect to be loved.


I was chasing love, or maybe I was confusing love with acceptance. That’s just one major personal shift that happened on my TEDx journey!

If ever there was a time in my life when I saw that perfection is overrated, it was in creating, practicing and delivering my TEDx Talk. My passion for humanity is so much more important than how it looked in the process – what a journey!

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“Fascinating” is definitely a word for these times.

“Fascinating” is definitely a word for these times.

“Fascinating” is definitely a word for these times.

Here’s what’s up my friend.

We’re being sandwiched between a solar eclipse and the alignment of the planets.

By June 3, the planets will be fully aligned – stay tuned, I’ll be announcing an event soon!

In the Northern Hemisphere, we’ve just experienced the greatest solar flare blast in 20 years. The Southern Hemisphere got it, too; but the Aurora Borealis wasn’t visible there.

These are events that affect us both physically AND metaphysically.

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Things are never as they seem…

Things are never as they seem…

Things are never as they seem. This picture is not a sunset but the view from Craggy Gardens in Asheville on Saturday night. It’s what the Northern Lights look like from afar down here in the South. So cool.

On Friday, I met with a dear client and friend who has serious PTSD; I have many clients who suffer with this. As there is an underlying sense of a lack of safety, people may bite or be abrupt. This may sometimes tip into what feels like meanness but is a form of self-protection.

Recently, I’ve been celebrating when I notice shifts. One, in particular, I don’t think I’ve ever celebrated or shared with you, so here goes!

This time, instead of engaging, trying to fix things, or trying to make my client feel better, I simply found neutrality. Sometimes I didn’t respond for days, or even weeks, and let it all breathe. I gave it space for higher levels to work it out. As always when there is spaciousness, it all comes back around to love.

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