Why ‘doing what is presenting’ is so important

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

“‘Doing what presents’, oddly, requires PRESENCE in neutrality, or it’s impossible to hear what ‘the space between the atoms’ has conjured as a solution, action or redirect. Just imagine if you were never taken out of that flow and you became a receiving magnet for thoughts, ideas, awareness, and actions that expanded your life possibilities as a default.
Jennifer Hough

The following question was posted by Trudy, one of our Flight School graduates, in our Agents of Awakening Community and I felt it would assist to share my reply in this week’s inspiration in case you missed it, or you’ve not yet joined us there … (what are you waiting for?) 😉

Trudy’s Question: “When do you know to take the lead, knowing what you know, and observing unfolding events as a neutral party?”

The concept that is most important in answering this question well is ‘DOING WHAT PRESENTS’. It’s actually the most simple of concepts, and yet it’s foreign to us as we’re so prone to running around in unconscious survival mode. Kids, groceries, goals, oil changes, banking, relationship reactions, fears about the world or the country, and so on.

‘Doing what presents’, oddly, requires PRESENCE in neutrality, or it’s impossible to hear what ‘the space between the atoms’ has conjured as a solution, action or redirect. Just imagine if you were never taken out of that flow and you became a receiving magnet for thoughts, ideas, awareness and actions that expanded your life possibilities, as a default.

How do you know you are doing what is presenting?

  • It feels expansive in your physical body to speak up, redirect or question what is going on.
  • The consequences of not speaking up feel contractive.
  • It may not be logical or rational but it feels ‘right’ in your body.
  • It’s not the first time the issue has come up, and it keeps coming back into your experience to do or say something.
  • Often doing what presents will feel unfamiliar and your mind has other ideas.

What are the main factors that contribute to NOT doing what presents?

  • Youre afraid of the outcomes and therefore the mind is too engaged in trying to strategize versus feeling into what life is offering beyond what the mind is saying.
  • Stress taking you out of neutrality.
  • Carrying a person, their feelings, or the outcome.
  • Time pressures (whether real or imagined).
  • ‘Independence disease’ when youre proving yourself, validating your worth or behaving from the sheer habit of acting alone, without help.
  • Letting yourself be pulled by outside events, the upset of others, or worrying about possible future happenings.
  • Self-judgment.
  • Past triggers continuing to make you feel uncomfortable.

What are the two types of ‘doing what presents’?

  • MOMENTARY SURVIVING BETTER: Doing what presents in the moment on any given day, not allowing yourself to be pulled by anything or anyone. You may move in and out of this position, based upon your level of the mastery of embodiment.
  • PERMANENT THRIVING: Doing what presents as a way of being, gaining total flow in abundance, friendship, love and communication. Being in flow doesn’t mean that difficulties disappear, but rather that you move through them effortlessly. Similarly, it doesn’t mean youre happy all the time, but that nothing takes you out.

What are the benefits of embodying permanent thriving, enabling you to consistently live with what presents?

  • The end of the emotional roller coaster.
  • Your dreams are accomplished efficiently and effectively.
  • Resources and people magically present to help you in any given situation, and you readily see them.
  • A sense of peace and confidence in yourself and life, as doubt disappears.
  • A dramatic shift in the way others react to you, and the quality of your conversations.
  • Deep meaning and satisfaction in life.
  • A sense of lightness and play as you enjoy life’s journey.

So in order to answer Trudy’s question, I wanted to make sure we’re all clear on the distinction of being neutral enough to even hear what presents. So back to the question:

When do you know to take the lead, knowing what you know, and observing unfolding events as a neutral party?

  • First, become neutral by going for a walk in nature, going on a rampage of appreciation, or going to sleep if times are rough; these are tools for the short-run. You don’t need to intend. Be available for the clarity you need.
  • ALWAYS know what you know, but you don’t necessarily have to speak it, if it doesn’t serve those involved.
  • In the long-run, if youre really committed, I invite you to take the Embodiment Workshop consistently to get to the place, and in the atmosphere, that will assist in freeing yourself from factors that get in your way.

Eventually, you’ll be permanently installed in the Thriving Operating System, and nothing will take you out.

In the meantime, future activating your day and allowing yourself to feel the future flow in your biology now, certainly acclimatizes you to KNOWING WHAT YOU KNOW AND DOING WHAT PRESENTS with more efficiency.

It’ll also prepare you for jumping spirals, or embodying new levels of thriving when it comes to communication, love, projects and relationships. It’s the daily practice that really makes the difference.

Just to be clear, Future Activations are absolutely not about envisioning the details so you can manifest what you are envisioning. THEY ARE ABOUT CREATING FUN MOVIES IN YOUR MIND THAT HELP GENERATE THE MOOD FREQUENCY YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE FOR THE DAY… SO YOU CAN MAKE UP ANYTHING. Be creative.

So, there you have my short- and long-term answers to the question. Now, in the moment, you’ll know what to do and also be in a state of gracious knowing as you move forward.

With love,

P.S. This photo is of me paddling on the lake the other morning, taking a beauty break and fulfilling an ‘or better’ while bringing my future into now. I love lily pads!