More of this… yes, please!

“Sometimes people are having a bad day,
and they are committed to being right that
something is wrong; be kind anyhow.

Jennifer Hough

Two days ago, I was feeling overwhelmed in ways I cannot describe.

I love my staff, my clients, my family, but sometimes I forget two things:

(1) That carrying and caring are two very different things, and

(2) That people have their own capacity to find their way home… not my circus, not my clowns, unless they ask me for assistance.

That is why I am so excited. I’ve been asked to speak at an upcoming international event all about love. Yep, Love!

  1. It is so important to be mindful of what we say, WITHOUT carrying the feelings of others, as they are free to choose their response.
  2. People respond the way they respond to your kindness. Sometimes people are having a bad day, and they are committed to being right that something is wrong; be kind anyhow.
  3. Be unconditional. If you “be kind” with an expectation of praise, appreciation or reciprocity, then that entanglement of neediness creates possible grounds for messiness.
  4. KNOW for your own self that you did something sweet, and let that be enough.
  5. Remember that people have the ability to iron out their crinkly paper (as my friend, Wini, would say); it will not be forever crinkled because of you. And, it’s always powerful to be someone who is a minimal crinkler. Even more so, think big, and see if you can make their paper more beautiful just by inspiring goodness from them; simply by living your life well.

What if you just didn’t carry people anymore? What if you embodied the ability to love without limits, yet leave entanglement and codependence behind? True freedom without being pulled by old patterns, that’s what. When we aren’t pulled, our creativity is freed up, our bodies are lighter and possibilities appear everywhere that we thought were long gone.

I’m so looking forward to sharing more about “The Most Important Question Anyone’s Ever Asked about Love and Why it Matters,” Friday, September 9th at 12:30 PM ET.

My dear friend, Bernardo Moya, is a master at creating deeply moving events that bring long-term impact. He is also the author of a book all about love… and he’s been on that journey big time.

We are going to expand on the principles from my book, UNSTUCK – The Physics of Getting Out of Your Own Way. Yay! And I’ll be joined by other expert speakers, like Doria Cordova, Ken Honda, David Fagan et al., so we can blow the doors off and get out of the way of the world we’ve been birthing through all of the contrast of the past few years.

Here Are the Dates!
Sept 9 – 11, 2022
Daily from 10am – 5:30pm ET

Join us HERE

With love,



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