As we stand on the cusp of a new year, can you feel the energy shifting? It’s not just another turn of the calendar – we’re entering a new era altogether. In this thought-provoking discussion, I explore why the coming years will require a radical shift in how we approach life, work, and our very understanding of reality.
Celebrating the End of an Era
- Acknowledge our growth and achievements
- Find closure with unfinished business
- Embrace the concept of “perfection for now”
Essential Skills for Thriving in Rapid Change
Adaptability: The New Superpower
Learn why holding on tightly to plans and expectations may hinder your growth. Discover how to:
- Loosen your grip on preconceived notions
- Cultivate daily curiosity
- Synthesize new information with ease
Presence: Your Gateway to Wisdom
Explore the power of being fully available in the moment. We’ll discuss:
- Balancing metaphysical awareness with practical action
- Processing information without getting stuck in overthinking
- Tapping into greater wisdom beyond personal opinions
Flow: Embracing the Creative Adventure
Find out why perfectionism is becoming obsolete and how to:
- Navigate emotional ups and downs with grace
- Make decisions in entirely new ways
- Fall in love with the unknown
Are you ready to step into a future where creativity, presence, and adaptability are your greatest assets? This discussion offers a roadmap for not just surviving, but thriving in the face of unprecedented change.
Join me as we explore how to align ourselves with the rapid evolution happening around us, and discover the joy of becoming true creators in this exciting new era.
Well, hello.
Speaker:Jennifer Hough here.
Speaker:Almost happy new year.
Speaker:And there's a lot of energy moving.
Speaker:Woke up this morning feeling a little shaky.
Speaker:Don't know about you guys.
Speaker:Did you, Feel that way.
Speaker:I'd love to know.
Speaker:How are you feeling these days?
Speaker:We're coming up to a new year.
Speaker:We're coming up to actually not a new year.
Speaker:We're coming up to a new era.
Speaker:And that's what I wanted to chat with you about today.
Speaker:How's your body feeling?
Speaker:Loving the energies.
Speaker:I love that.
Speaker:Katerina, you're loving the energies.
Speaker:Let me tell you, if you're someone that likes to hold onto control,
Speaker:This is not going to go smoothly.
Speaker:So today we're going to talk about the skill sets that are needed
Speaker:in order to actually thrive and flourish through all the changes.
Speaker:This is for true creatives.
Speaker:So if you're a true creative, you are going to love the years to come.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:I'm gonna read you a little post that I did on Facebook recently
Speaker:on our Facebook playground.
Speaker:If you want to play with me more directly or tag me in a post Best place to reach
Speaker:me is on our playground It's at facebook.
Speaker:com forward slash groups forward slash TWA playground.
Speaker:So go in there join us in the playground and tag me on your comments, but I'm
Speaker:going to read you something that I wrote.
Speaker:Hold your beliefs loosely for:Speaker:The picture I shared is a picture taken by the James Webb telescope
Speaker:of galaxies growing faster than the laws of physics should allow based on
Speaker:what we currently know about physics.
Speaker:And when I read the article, I thought, yeah, we can't hold on to anything.
Speaker:We know we are.
Speaker:At our core truly containing the hologram the actual universe itself while we're
Speaker:in the universe and as it exponentiates the speed at which it's evolving so too
Speaker:we invent things like AI and quantum computers and blockchains and all that
Speaker:wonderful stuff so what we thought was possible before using new tools
Speaker:and that's just a drop in the bucket.
Speaker:But we're swimming in that quantum soup, that evolutionary energy.
Speaker:So indeed for this year and the intent of today, it's not to
Speaker:assist you to complete this year.
Speaker:It's to assist you to complete an era.
Speaker:We're not going to do it in the 25 more minutes we're together.
Speaker:But certainly we're, I'm going to open some doorways and give you some exercises.
Speaker:And if you're not already in our reset and renew program, then I'll give
Speaker:you some clues about what's going on.
Speaker:Be careful what you think hold your beliefs loosely.
Speaker:These are times of great change.
Speaker:Some of the conversations I've had with people I love this season have opened my
Speaker:eyes to how they see things around dying, around how to run our business, around
Speaker:sex, about being present in my life, and about carrying nobody and nothing.
Speaker:The greatest skill you can own for the years to come is the skill
Speaker:of being in your presence while being pulled by nothing and nobody
Speaker:and yet available for everything.
Speaker:It'll be a journey into the unknown.
Speaker:The little ones being born right now, absolutely going to
Speaker:default to that way of being.
Speaker:The cool thing is the last three generations have the capacity to be
Speaker:able to change our operating system the way our receptor sites and our
Speaker:DNA plugs into reality can absolutely biophysically and epigenetically
Speaker:change prior to a few decades ago we didn't have to do that because things
Speaker:weren't moving this fast So to flourish in these times of great change, it
Speaker:requires a huge amount of adaptability.
Speaker:We are children on an adventure into the unknown.
Speaker:Now that's always been that way.
Speaker:It's always been that way.
Speaker:We always were children going on an adventure, going into the unknown,
Speaker:not people in a wrestling match, trying to control everything, but
Speaker:it's been amped up exponentially.
Speaker:And this post is in support of your badassery.
Speaker:what I'd love to share with you is that we are in a huge shift of eras.
Speaker:And so if you're feeling a little funny, That probably has something to do with it.
Speaker:Let's talk about the shifts.
Speaker:So the shifts have to do with one being able to make a shift and be
Speaker:able to do it cleanly without a lot of brouhaha, without a lot of drama
Speaker:requires first being able to celebrate and complete what you have been up to.
Speaker:So we're going to approach today with three different segments.
Speaker:The first segment is going to be about actually celebrating who you've become.
Speaker:segment two is around, how to get complete with this year.
Speaker:And segment three is about the skills you need to thrive.
Speaker:So let's start with why celebrate.
Speaker:Celebrating what you've been up to really puts a caboose on the train
Speaker:of what this era has been with you.
Speaker:So I can give you some for instances, maybe you want to write down some of these
Speaker:things that you're celebrating yourself.
Speaker:I'm going to say that I'm here, that I'm alive, celebrating that my intuition
Speaker:has evolved vastly in the last 30 years.
Speaker:Celebrating that I've created myself to be able to thrive in times of great change.
Speaker:I'd love to hear from you and write into the comments what
Speaker:you're actually celebrating.
Speaker:In this past era, it's all added up to a couple of health related
Speaker:things that I'm finding my way through, and I'm really celebrating
Speaker:what I'm learning in the process.
Speaker:It's powerful.
Speaker:I'm also finding myself, understanding the tools that are needed in
Speaker:order to be very adaptable.
Speaker:In the times to come.
Speaker:What about you?
Speaker:So celebration, what it does is metaphysically, it completes.
Speaker:It helps you to integrate with that which you've accomplished.
Speaker:So celebrating is a really important aspect.
Speaker:The second thing though, is as we're celebrating, there are
Speaker:also things that are incomplete.
Speaker:So what are some things that are incomplete for you?
Speaker:Some things that are incomplete is my health isn't quite there.
Speaker:So maybe there's something about your health that isn't quite
Speaker:complete or it isn't there yet.
Speaker:Or maybe you promised yourself something around your financial status, or
Speaker:maybe, you'd be in the flow on purpose.
Speaker:One of the things I want to talk about on purpose is this idea that living on
Speaker:purpose or living in connection to the reason you were born, answering the
Speaker:question, what's the greatest thing I can do with the least amount of effort
Speaker:waking up inspired knowing that I'm doing what I came to the planet for and
Speaker:going to bed with a complete sense of satisfaction, answering that question.
Speaker:What's the greatest thing I can do is.
Speaker:And ever is a conduit for ever evolving answers a question is a conduit so in
Speaker:truth sometimes we have to get complete with incompletion that literally in this
Speaker:universe there is no perfecting there's only perfection for now which much
Speaker:like the post that I shared earlier.
Speaker:You get a different set of eyes you understand physics more deeply you see
Speaker:that the universe is growing faster than physics so you have to go back to
Speaker:the drawing board as soon as you get a new view of physics all of a sudden
Speaker:the universe becomes a more expansive place where you get to be curious on the
Speaker:adventure so if you get a new perspective.
Speaker:All of a sudden everything changes and the answer to that question will evolve
Speaker:because now you know more is possible the reason i bring up this idea of completion
Speaker:is it's easy to be complete about the past that you've already lived it's easy.
Speaker:Also to be complete about not being complete about the past
Speaker:that you've lived so for instance.
Speaker:We, there were a couple of podcasts I wanted to get on this year
Speaker:and that's incomplete, but I'm complete about it being incomplete.
Speaker:I'm good with it, right?
Speaker:Also there's some stuff around, I'm just watching my parents
Speaker:go through their aging process.
Speaker:Every time I see them, I have to get complete with that iteration
Speaker:of their aging process, right?
Speaker:I also don't take it on because I don't actually adhere to the idea that we
Speaker:have to get old, despite my, I love my parents so much, despite them constantly
Speaker:giving me evidence for how it's true that you're just going to break down,
Speaker:just constant evidence the whole time they're talking about their health issues.
Speaker:and I love them.
Speaker:They're so awesome.
Speaker:They're so wonderful.
Speaker:And I am complete with having my own perspective on it.
Speaker:How about you guys?
Speaker:What are you complete with?
Speaker:There are things that I have that I'm going to complete before the
Speaker:end of the year, setting up certain accounts, certain things in bookkeeping.
Speaker:There's a bunch of stuff I'm going to complete before the
Speaker:end of the year for sure.
Speaker:Because in all honesty, using quantum computers and AI and all the other tools,
Speaker:what's going to happen is that evolutions on technology are going to happen at such
Speaker:a pace that you can be complete for the next five minutes, but then there's going
Speaker:to be an evolution because the more the wisdom of our technology expands and its
Speaker:ability to process information expands, the more the good news is things like
Speaker:the environment solutions can be created.
Speaker:Things like monetary systems can be evolved.
Speaker:It's amazing, literally, what's going to be able to happen.
Speaker:re the skills as we move from:Speaker:What are the skills we need?
Speaker:And by the way, in numerology,
Speaker:9 is the number of completion.
Speaker:a number about completion and:Speaker:And so imagine that there are going to be millions and millions of
Speaker:completions and renewals and restart.
Speaker:ve completed the era up until:Speaker:So what therefore are the skills that are needed?
Speaker:Aren't you curious?
Speaker:Because I was really curious.
Speaker:What are the actual skills needed in order to thrive through that kind of evolution?
Speaker:The kind of skills you need to thrive are things like being able to be adaptable.
Speaker:what does adaptability mean?
Speaker:I'll give you an example.
Speaker:adaptability means being able to, the grip we have in things like we wanna,
Speaker:we have on things where we wanna complete them or we wanna do them, or
Speaker:we wanna perfect them, or we wanna, so that, that grippy way of being.
Speaker:Where you want to be able to control it, or you want to be able to, accomplish
Speaker:the vision that you have in your head.
Speaker:In adaptability, that grip is very loose because adaptability requires that you
Speaker:understand that the pretty picture that you have in your head is not necessarily
Speaker:what Going to come to fruition as you have it in your head today and people
Speaker:who are not going to flourish through times of great change are going to
Speaker:be people that get very attached.
Speaker:Adaptability requires a certain amount of daily curiosity and then
Speaker:it requires you to be incredibly integrative with new information.
Speaker:Another way of saying adaptability is.
Speaker:That you're someone that's able to synthesize the new, you can synthesize
Speaker:the evolutions that pertain to family life, that pertain to the technology
Speaker:that's going to happen in cars, that's going to pertain to what's going to happen
Speaker:in computers, that's going to pertain to what happens to our food sources.
Speaker:So people who can synthesize new information conceptually and
Speaker:practically are going to be people that really are able to flourish.
Speaker:It's literally why we as a company teach the thriving operating system.
Speaker:The second skill is being able to be in your wisdom with presence.
Speaker:So let me give you what that's not.
Speaker:what that does not look like, what it does not look like is it does not look
Speaker:like when something new comes along or when a new opportunity comes along
Speaker:or when a new person comes along or when a new project comes along, you
Speaker:hold on tightly, you try to control.
Speaker:You a little bit, you then try to, then maybe you have all
Speaker:these conversations going on.
Speaker:Certainly this particular skill.
Speaker:Does not have to do with, trying to control, right?
Speaker:It is the presence has to do with being able to be available to
Speaker:what greater wisdom has to say,
Speaker:instead of being pulled out by other people's opinions.
Speaker:So you have to be able to process other people's opinions as simply something.
Speaker:that comes towards you, you run it through your central channel to see if
Speaker:it's true or not and spit it out the other side, either as a truth that's
Speaker:very helpful or as something that doesn't resonate with you that basically
Speaker:doesn't need any further discussion.
Speaker:These are times where ruminating.
Speaker:Is definitely not consistent with being in full presence, overthinking
Speaker:things, taking things personally.
Speaker:That's what presence is not.
Speaker:What presence is, as I was saying, being able to be here and now
Speaker:completely available to what greater wisdom has to say, and at the same
Speaker:time being present, not only to 99.
Speaker:13 percent of you, that's that's Connected to let's say greater
Speaker:consciousness the metaphysical universe scalar forms waveforms quarks and all
Speaker:of that which is the raw material for this three dimensional experience that
Speaker:we see in front of us so you're available to the raw material where all possibility
Speaker:lives at the same time being a very pragmatic in a body on a planet human.
Speaker:So full presence requires availability in both worlds.
Speaker:It's one of the reasons why our logo is a Vesica Pisces, a circle overlapping
Speaker:a circle, whereby there's this little fish shape in the middle, and that
Speaker:fish shape in the middle is where the greater universe, And this three
Speaker:dimensional universe actually interact, and that's where you want to live.
Speaker:That is where you want to live.
Speaker:You want to live right there.
Speaker:And that really requires understanding that thriving operating
Speaker:system that we've talked about.
Speaker:All right, last but not least, of course, there's a third.
Speaker:Skill, and that is being able to flow.
Speaker:So it's being able to flow with emotional upset, being able to flow
Speaker:with big changes, Let's see, being able to process information, be okay
Speaker:with what's going on around you, have a posse of people who see you and get
Speaker:you so that you feel supported, probably being a part of a community that helps
Speaker:you keep your feet on the ground while you're experiencing all the shifts.
Speaker:it's being okay with messing up a little bit not trying to get a perfect because
Speaker:in these years to come perfection is going to be almost laughable.
Speaker:You can only get it perfect according to what you know right now, but since
Speaker:what we're going to know is going to move so fast, then there's perfect
Speaker:for this second or this five minutes.
Speaker:So it's really about ultimately, guys, ultimately, It's about having a lot of
Speaker:fun being creative because if you can have fun being creative flying forward,
Speaker:if you can jump in to the creativity that is being provided by all of these
Speaker:evolutions, if you can fall in love with the unknown, what will happen is that
Speaker:your love affair with the unknown will transcend your need to control things.
Speaker:It will transcend your need for courage.
Speaker:It will transcend your need to overcome your fears your love affair
Speaker:with the unknown is going to be your love affair with the adventure your
Speaker:love affair with your own creativity is going to be the greatest.
Speaker:Let's say characteristic to hone to feed.
Speaker:let me summarize today.
Speaker:Let me summarize today by saying
Speaker:what's happening in:Speaker:evolutions in the way we can create.
Speaker:Do things, solve problems, understand each other, build
Speaker:bridges, get things to market.
Speaker:Your presence with wisdom is everything.
Speaker:So your presence is going to be one of the greatest characteristics that you have.
Speaker:It's going to enable you to flow.
Speaker:because adaptability becomes a skill set that is almost essential.
Speaker:We become much less controlling, much less wanting to predict the future,
Speaker:much less trying to aim for safety.
Speaker:We could become a species that by nature is truly more in alignment with why we
Speaker:were born, which is to be creatives, man.
Speaker:If you love being creative, this is your time.
Speaker:But if you love things to be predictable and to stand still, boy, this It's
Speaker:really time to learn about that thriving operating system, right?
Speaker:And I'm excited because all the work that we do is about It's
Speaker:about this, the physics of ease and flow, our work literally for
Speaker:corporations and for individuals.
Speaker:And in our programs is about adaptability, but about flourishing with adaptability,
Speaker:not just about being adaptable.
Speaker:That would be boring.
Speaker:So I'm actually excited for the years to come.
Speaker:How are you feeling?
Speaker:What are you going to do to get yourself to a place where
Speaker:you're excited about the changes?
Speaker:How are you going to help yourself?
Speaker:And I'm going to recommend that you start with celebrating and
Speaker:then you start with completing.
Speaker:And then finally, we do this together.
Speaker:e activation, a short one for:Speaker:our biology can catch up to.
Speaker:This era shift.
Speaker:2025 was the most amazing year.
Speaker:who think I should have said:Speaker:I'm doing a future activation.
Speaker:I'm already, I'm letting my biology be at the end.
Speaker:rience of being at the end of:Speaker:And I'm speaking about it like it already happened.
Speaker:So my biology can catch up to the shifts.
Speaker:2025 was a powerful year.
Speaker:It was a year where I realized how much I carry or try to control my circumstances.
Speaker:It was a year where the letting go was such a relief.
Speaker:It was a year where I learned so much.
Speaker:I felt like a child in a toy store.
Speaker:I felt like a kid in a learning candy shop.
Speaker:I played with a lot.
Speaker:I got my feet underneath me.
Speaker:It was a fun year.
Speaker:It was a year where I saw lots of opportunity.
Speaker:Some of them I took, some of them I did not.
Speaker:But I'm really excited.
Speaker:And I was excited all year for all of the opportunities that I took.
Speaker:I totally got very choosy about what I engage and what I don't.
Speaker:Super grateful for the opportunity to have danced with soul family this year.
Speaker:Many blessings and looking for stuff that's even beyond what my mind can
Speaker:conjure for this future activation.
Speaker:All right you guys, big hugs.