Diane Catrambone
Diane Catrambone, Owner of Health by Design, Inc. has over 35 years experience in transformational coaching, mindset coaching, health/wellness coaching, and personal training.
Prior to establishing herself as a full-time mindset and transformational coach, Ms. Catrambone was a personal fitness trainer, spending 15 years as an in-home expert and a storefront studio owner.
She brings that same passion for excellence to those she serves today, encouraging everyone to live abundant, authentic lives by doing work consistently and persistently.
As a program manager for various programs within The Wide Awakening, she continues to use her expertise in business management as well as her expertise in coaching. It’s a beautiful fit!
In her free time, Diane plays in the garden, plays with her doggo, hiking, working out and creating great meals. She enjoys lots of quiet time to explore the calling of her soul voice.
You can check out Health by Design here, or by visiting