These words moved me…

Credit: Jeannie Selda, Los Chorros Falls, Costa Rica

Language tells us so much about the culture.

Quite a bit happened while I was in Costa Rica. I was hanging out in an international community called Eco Villa, where not just English or Spanish were spoken. I was then called to stay a couple of extra days, and wanted to watch something inspiring before bed. Each of the words below came from some aspect of my time in Costa Rica.

While watching “LIVE TO LEAD” on Netflix (great movie by the way), I watched a lawyer (Albie Sachs) for Nelson Mandela being incredibly courageous and irrationally optimistic about the world, especially after surviving a terrorist bomb. The word he offered in his interview was Ubuntu which resonates with my cells. It literally means “I am because you are.”

The day after, my Costa Rican receptionist wore a t-shirt with “Namaste” on it, and I repeated the word as I walked up to her. She smiled. It’s such a beautiful greeting with the insinuated meaning being ‘The God in me bows and recognizes the God in You’.

The energy of Costa Rica reminded me so much of Hawaii and its natural volcanic surroundings. Its original people are deeply connected to nature and the originators of one of my favorite words, “Aloha” – compassion and kindness to you today.

And finally, my last encounter in Costa Rica was with Manuel. He worked in a store in the airport. I wanted something beautiful from CR for my hubby and step-daughters. Manuel embodies ‘Pura Vida’. He has a kind, pure and simple heart filled with curiosity and love of connection. His final words to me were “Pura Vida”, of course.

So I’m passing on these words to you today.

Ubuntu – South African Noun – “a quality that includes the essential human virtues: compassion and humanity.”

Namaste – An Indian greeting – “I bow to you” (a Sanskrit word)

Aloha – A Polynesian greeting – “love, compassion, sympathy, kindness”

Pura Vida – A Costa Rican greeting – “simple life” or “pure life,” though in Costa Rica, it is more than just a saying – it is a way of life.

Part of my voyage to Costa Rica was sharing a retreat with the staff from The Wide Awakening. We pulled an inspirational card from a special oracle deck. The card we picked was “Your Words Matter”.

So, I thought I’d pay it forward from my trip by sharing some words that mattered for me on this voyage.

What do words mean to you? Which words resonate in your soul? Please share your thoughts in our Agents of Awakening Community, if you are part of it, or in our TWA Playground on Facebook.

I’d love to hear!

With love,

P.S. I’m grateful that I will be doing a TEDX Talk in Asheville in the Spring. More information to come… so excited!



Stay with me on this…

Stay with me on this…

‘Or betters’ present frequently when we simply remember ourselves as the embodied intention of everything we’ve ever lived in any life. They manifest when we remember our free will to choose, realizing our trajectory is the result of every past life, every desire, and every prayer you have ever prayed.

‘Or betters’ happen when you live like control is overrated. Understanding the resources of the omnipotent and omniscient Creation will deliver for you so far beyond anything your lovely (please don’t hate me) pea brain can intend is key. Your brain only accesses your history, the programs you learnt in school and paradigms you’ve created through the years, and who wants to ‘rinse and repeat’ that again?

Your greater Wisdom is constantly dancing with the trajectory you are on. You’re a living intention, without ever needing to use your brain to intend. Infinite Wisdom is in a dance with you, responding to your every thought and, perhaps ever more, to your actions. It’s responding to your life’s purpose. The thing is, you can’t mentally intend your way to an awesome life.

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My two favorite words…

My two favorite words…

When our actions resonate with our purpose and we’re aligned with the Universe’s potential for us, it’s such an expansive feeling.

The feeling of expansiveness validates you are in flow.

The alignment with greater wisdom is translated through our body as feelings of ‘woo hoo’, ‘yes!’, goosebumps, or fun! It’s confirmation that we’re acting and thinking in line with our ‘highest and best’ life, using our skills and personality, creating in the most aligned way.

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Being Happy 101

Being Happy 101

Being Happy 101 – With the next Flight School (our nine-month program) about to start, I’m aware of some pretty powerful insights about my own life, ten of them in fact!

One: Reacting to circumstances definitely leads to drama. Drama always takes me out of my knowing, distracting me from my connection with Innate Wisdom.

Two: My happiness absolutely cannot come from circumstances changing. My happiness must be accessible, regardless of circumstances. It cannot be dependent on how the world is, how the people in my life behave, or an expectation that everything should be perfect. Everything is becoming which, by definition, means it isn’t perfect.

Three: It’s not my job to carry the weight of the world. My job is to show up in love and compassion. It’s not my job to make other people happy but rather to learn to be grounded in my heart. It’s not my job to protect my heart but to emanate from the heart.

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