The Meaning of Embodiment

“Thriving begins when we embody the skills that come with
being a Divine Expression of Creation in a human body.
Suffering ends when we give up the idea that there was
ever such a thing as being ‘merely mortal’.”

~ Jennifer Hough

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Dear You:

Embodiment is about a permanent cellular shift… but how does that happen, what the heck is it? And why is that unique to what we do here at TWA?

We can all embody lots of things. We embody how to ride a bike, or how to swim/float/dive for instance. Embodiment is an awareness that transcends your mental mind, and causes you to change your default ‘way of being’ forever. You can’t ‘unknow’ how to ride a bike. It really means that your biology is being rewired to capacitate new ways of being! New neurochemicals and neurosynaptic highways are being created instantly in alignment with your total freedom to be you! This is what we call the Fast Track, because there really are no steps, other than getting activated into a new paradigm by someone or something. Its about having the courage not to know what you are doing for a while (because it feels unfamiliar to free yourself so quickly) and then leaning into your life.

It really is an entirely new world where you get to be free, and the physiology can connect to the multidimensional nature of you where non-linear results can happen.

I choose Freedom… how about you? Watch on…

With an open heart,


What do we mean by Embodiment?

Hey, it’s Jennifer, listen, I was just thinking about the fact that we talk about Embodiment a lot. I know, having lived it first-hand and with so many clients, tens of thousands of people, that there’s something different, very different, very unique about what it is that we do. Part of that uniqueness comes from the idea of Embodiment, but most people really don’t exactly know what that means.

In discovering what Embodiment means, it will make it more active in you,… Embodiment is really about that permanent cellular shift… but, how does that happen, what the heck is it? And why is that unique to us?

We can all embody lots of things. We can, over time, we embody how to ride a bike, for instance. When we’re 3 years old we probably don’t know how to ride a two-wheeler, but by the time we’re 7 or 8 most people have embodied how to do it.

You know, maybe when you’re 1, you don’t know how to swim, by the time you’re 10 maybe, if you’re lucky, you can probably get across a length of a pool at least. That is embodiment. It is an awareness that transcends your mental, and causes you to change your default way of being. So that you can’t describe why you’ve changed, or how you’ve changed… and in fact, by mentalizing that and strategizing it, how or why you know how to ride a bike, or how or why you can now swim, you’re free to swim… by mentalizing it and making it a step-by-step, you actually take yourself out of the flow of having the physical experience of the reality of skipping the line, and making a quantum leap.

All the things that go with embodiment, your experience of if you’re in the waves and how you know how to deal with that, or currents… or, you know, even if you’re sailing, even sailing, there’s an Embodiment of understanding wind and weather that goes far beyond what anyone can tell you. It becomes part of your make up and your instinct.

What The Wide Awakening is all about is not getting you out of the way of yourself, but the whole Universe… not excavating all the belief systems that are in the way… that isn’t the aim, although, that is the result. Those belief systems leave hundreds at a time instead of one at a time.

The thing that happens with Embodiment is that you actually shift, it becomes very unfamiliar at first, you don’t recognize yourself… you’re looking at the world and you’re thinking, “What happened to me? That thing over there doesn’t trigger me anymore… I’m more excited to get up in the morning… I just seem to know stuff, and people are coming to me who are going to help me with things that I had been working hard on, following all the steps… My default level of magnetics has shifted, and I can’t tell you why.”

And here’s the thing… it really doesn’t matter why. It doesn’t matter why, do you know why? Because, (this matters why)… It doesn’t matter why, because the fact that you shifted and you embodied something that’s closer to the truth of who you are so you can dance, sing, and play… going direct with all consciousness… That’s what matters. What matters is, that which you’ve been seeking is happening…

That’s what Activations do, that’s what our work does… That’s the crazy, nifty, awesomeness that has come to me in wake and dreams over the last 12 years… And that’s what I’ve been born to pay forward, so that we no longer have to make Waking Up such a struggle.

So, I hope that helps explain Embodiment. It really means that your biology is being rewired to capacitate new ways of being, new Neurochemicals and Neurosynaptic highways that can be instantly freed up in your psyche, as opposed to waiting 21 days like Neurolinguistics says. It really is an entirely new world where you get to be free, and the physiology can connect to the multidimensional nature of you where non-linear results can happen.

I hope that helps. And by the way, if you want an experience of that, I so recommend that you listen to the Activations at the end of our Radio Shows… something happens, you won’t be able to explain it, it’s pretty cool.

And, definitely on January 10, we have coming up a wonderful new free Webinar, and that free Webinar is all about the intensive Get Out of Your Own Way™ about Success and Abundance, and absolutely we’ll be doing some exercises that will assist you to embody certain aspects and it will open certain portals so you can make those permanent shifts.

So you can check that out at, ok? We’ll see you there… big hugs! [waves]


What if all the beliefs that you adhere to aren’t even yours?

What if all the beliefs that you adhere to aren’t even yours?

Something happened this week that was such a great reminder to remain humble, and know that we are all human. It also reminded me that we are all human and any beliefs that anyone is better than you or I, are simply old beliefs.

This week I was on a beautiful cheer-fest for Money and You with my dear friend Doria Cordova with well-known thought leaders from all over the world. It was a privilege to be included.

The leaders that have taken Money and You are all incredibly humble and so smart…..and you probably know their names; Jack Canfield, Ken Honda just to name a few.

And, there was a leader who was there that behaved a little differently than the others. He also did not exude the humility of the rest. And I realized that he had stuck beliefs and was being righteous, and that I had beliefs about how he should be.

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Why is the paradigm for prosperity shifting?

Why is the paradigm for prosperity shifting?

The paradigm for prosperity is shifting and the laws of physics give me great hope, here’s why!

Most of us aren’t present to the shifts happening around us because we’re so distracted by the noise.

Globally, wars, political differences, media streaming, fear-based rhetoric, and divisive communications create polarity. Simultaneously, that polarity and struggle is birthing ideas being acted upon by the younger generation as it sits in the ‘dark matter’ of consciousness, waiting in the sub-atomic spaces to be birthed!

Metaphysically speaking, for every problem there is already an existing solution as it’s part of how the Universe stays in balance.

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Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Well, you might be surprised to hear me say absolutely not.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about deliberately forcing ourselves to do things that feel awful.

It’s just that I hear so many people saying… “only do it if it feels good”.

Here’s the issue with that:

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