Endless possibilities

Picture Credits – Jeannie Selda

“Last week I was talking to a dear friend and she said to me, “If only there were a place for people who think like us to go and co-create, and expand and support each other to build what we imagine! And find our fulfillment as unicorns, but in a herd, without all the noise out there!” I just said, “I get it.””
Jennifer Hough

Stories of possibilities and shifts like this just keep rolling in. These are from AOA members and clients who have experienced the Foundations of Awakening Principles in powerful gatherings, where we Activate what’s possible together – how cool is that?!?!

“AOA offers advanced teachings and paradigm shifts that keep up with what’s really going on out there, not teaching principles which are out of alignment with the modern world.”
Brian, USA

“I’ve spent the last few years feeling lost and searching in the wrong direction. All I had to do was turn around and see everything I was searching for was always right in front of me!”
– Jenny T., UK

It lights me up to see the embodiment of these metaphysical tools, skills and principles making people’s dreams come true AND THEN EXPAND, and I want to share the Foundations of Awakening with you.

SCIENTUALITY™: Here’s the deal: All of our programs, support, and gatherings are different from anything else you’ll find out there. We’re not about excavating the past, doing a bazillion cleanings, ascending or any of the new-agey, overused jargon fluff. Simply put, I blend science and spirituality: I call it Scientuality™. It’s practical, evidence and fact-based, and it works.

For the past few weeks, I’ve shared the incredible shifts that Cameron, Janice, Arlene, Sue, and Sandy have embodied. These shifts happened because they did not do it alone! I know I’m not the only one KNOWING that it is time to expand each other, and play with like minds and hearts! No more “independence disease” stopping us from flying forward!

As a LIFETIME AOA community member, you Activate who you truly are by tapping into the Foundations of Awakening Principles. I include:

  • Full access to the underpinnings of the Thriving Operating System embodied in all of our programs, including 12 Days of Awakening (free), yearly Get Out of Your Own Way™ 2.0 (free), Innate Abilities (embodying your human Super Powers, also free)
  • The ability to take our advanced embodiment programs at massive discounts- our Thriving Operating System Levels 1 & 2
  • First dibs and discounts on upcoming opportunities, including Flight School
  • THE REAL TREAT is that you are in an ongoing community filled with support, tools, and audios that assist; fellow travelers who also want to master the art of living in overflow; connection side-by-side with me and the Team (and some amazing guests); and a monthly deep dive into the hologram of your life and the world at large, where you can ask me anything… and receive from fellow AOA members
  • FINALLY, in the months to come, we will be creating local chapters, so you can find people in your area. Very easy to do in our AOA portal.

With Love,


DISCOVER – Mon, July 19, 1:00pm ET

In this interactive experience you will discover the ‘Cosmic Carwash’ and 2 other game-changing tools you need to thrive in 2021.


ACTIVATE – Fri, June 25, 1:00pm ET

Join this live Q&A with Jennifer Hough for answers to your questions in a way that address you where you are and encourages you to step into your personal gifts that make you uniquely and brilliantly you.



BREAKTHROUGH – Fri, July 9, 1:00pm ET

Jennifer will use her ability to see holographically to find incongruences in your field, guide you back to your ultimate flow and heal the density in the way of thriving.



AWAKEN – Thurs, July 15, 4:00pm ET

A transformational experience that will show you how to fly forward with your purpose, prosperity, business, relationships, body and bliss in a fully integrated state.

Embody your superpowers. Amplify your unique gifts and strengths. Experience exponential growth and transformation.



EXPLORE – Mon, July 19, 1:00pm ET

Take a peek behind the curtain at the Agents of Awakening community and all of the wonderful content, courses and community conversations that are included.



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Agents of Awakening community?

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Watch the Replay!

Want to Join Agents Of Awakening?
Become a founding member by 7/21 and
receive lifetime access + awesome perks.


Why is the paradigm for prosperity shifting?

Why is the paradigm for prosperity shifting?

The paradigm for prosperity is shifting and the laws of physics give me great hope, here’s why!

Most of us aren’t present to the shifts happening around us because we’re so distracted by the noise.

Globally, wars, political differences, media streaming, fear-based rhetoric, and divisive communications create polarity. Simultaneously, that polarity and struggle is birthing ideas being acted upon by the younger generation as it sits in the ‘dark matter’ of consciousness, waiting in the sub-atomic spaces to be birthed!

Metaphysically speaking, for every problem there is already an existing solution as it’s part of how the Universe stays in balance.

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Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Should we only do things that ‘feel good’?

Well, you might be surprised to hear me say absolutely not.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about deliberately forcing ourselves to do things that feel awful.

It’s just that I hear so many people saying… “only do it if it feels good”.

Here’s the issue with that:

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Fear does an interesting thing to our brains

Fear does an interesting thing to our brains

Fear does an interesting thing to our brains.

I was listening to a brilliant podcast a few days ago which my husband reminded me about. Although they didn’t talk about this specifically, it struck me how important it is to understand how our brains work. In understanding this, I’m able to follow my knowing and feel connected to clarity, instead of being manipulated by noise which can only happen if I’m in fear; it’s so easy to be in fear these days, don’t you think?

Fight or flight creates an interesting shift in the brain causing us to relate to those who disagree with our viewpoint as the “other”, and there are those who want to manipulate others in order to protect themselves.

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