Adam M Lamb

Adam M. Lamb


Adam orchestrates all the behind-the-scenes work in bringing TWA’s programs and events to life. A professional chef, Adam has been with The Wide Awakening since 2012, often acting as the company’s Chef on our Wide Awakening Adventures, Flight School trips. Adam spent 30 years in the culinary world, where he perfected his love of systems and ease and flow.

He’s the father of three adult children and grandfather to one very feisty grandson named Landen. Adam is a published author, poet and singer-songwriter, as well as the host of Brigade Radio. He also co-facilitates The Wide Awakening workshop Love Awakening with Jennifer Hough and hosts The Inspired Masculine Radio Show, Health & Wellness Radio for Men, which can be heard the third Wednesday of the month at Inspired Masculine. Adam’s coaching practice was born of a lifetime of trying to prove himself worthy. Following a conversation in which the right questions were finally asked, he has dedicated himself to paying forward to men and boys of all ages the freedom with which he now lives his life.